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I had just gotten on the train with my twin sister Hermione, I was about to start my 5th year at Hogwarts, when I saw my best friend Luna, so I ran over to her quickly and hugged her tightly. "Luna! I missed you so much over the summer!" I smiled at her and noticed a smile forming on her face too. 

"I missed you too Y/N!" she smiled at me and grabbed my hand and guided me towards a free compartment. "By the way, Blaise should be coming here too soon, but he said he was going to bring one of his friends with him, is that alright?" she looked at me with a soft smile, which i returned, since Blaise was also one of our best friends.

"Yeah, that's fine!" I smile and sat down beside her, waiting for Blaise and his friend to arrive. I didnt have a clue about who he would be bringing, so I thought for a while about who it could be,  I got lost in my thoughts. 
Maybe Pansy? Or maybe.. No.. it wouldn't be him, right? Blaise knows I hate him.. please say its not who I think it is.. I'll just ask Luna, maybe she knows?
"Hey Luna, do you know who Blaise is bringing with him?"

"Sorry, no I don't, he just told me that he was bringing one of his friends with him, nothing else." I could tell she was lying and she knew but I didn't mention it and kept thinking.

I bet it's him! I'm gonna kill them if it is, they both know I hate him more than anyone in this damn school! 
I sighed and sat up straight before I looked at my watch and saw the time. The train normally leaves at 11am exactly, right now it was 10:56am, so they should be coming soon.. 
Oh for god's sake! They're here.. shit
Luna was sat opposite from me, so I just hoped Blaise would sit beside me and not her, I didn't want to have to sit next to that bastard!

When they both walked in I saw that it was him, and Luna definitely knew that it was. Blaise went and sat beside Luna and gave me that look, the look that you knew would mean 'Sorry not sorry' I just glared at him and moved closer to the window so I wouldn't have to be that close to Malfoy.

"Oi! Blaise! You didn't tell me she was going to be here!" Draco looked at him and pointed at me, "And that you'd make me sit beside her!" He yelled and glared at me.

"Well, not my problem, I didn't tell you because then I knew you wouldn't stay here and you'd go sit with Pansy or something!" Blaise sighed and just looked at the two of us, we were a lot closer than we both thought, although we didn't realise for a few seconds.

"Idiot! I wouldn't want to sit with Parkinson! But still! You didn't tell me Granger was going to be here too!" he yelled, louder this time and then he realised and pushed me away from him.

"Well- sorry?" Blaise laughed a little and just leaned back

"Ugh, you're a fucking bastard Zabini!"

Blaise just laughed a bit and looked at Luna, "They're gonna be arguing the whole way there now, aren't they?"

Luna just nodded and giggled softly, "Yeah, maybe it wasn't a great idea to bring both of them here at the same time"

"Yeah you're right about that, idiot! He's a fucking retard who doesn't know what he's talking about!" I yelled and sent him a glare. 

"You can't say shit! You're a fucking Gryffindor! No one likes Gryffindor's!"

I gave him a sarcastic gasp, "Does it look like that? I have way more friends than you do!"

He punched my arm in attempt to make me shut up, but it didn't work.

"That fucking hurt!" I yelled and held my arm where he punched me.

"Yeah? You deserved it! You were being a prick!" 

"I was not!"

"You were too! You filthy mudblood!" he yelled and just turned his head to look away from me.

"See?! This is why I don't like him!" I looked at the other 2 in the compartment with a look of disgust.

"I don't see anything, yeah he can be a bit of an arse but still, I kinda think you might like him." Blaise laughed a little as he spoke. 

"HAH?! ME?! LIKE HIM?! NO WAY!" I yelled, I was pretty angry at this point.

"Yeah! the fuck Zabini?!" Draco looked pretty angry too as he looked at Blaise.


"i guess we arent that different after all" || draco malfoy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now