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I cannot believe this! Luna and Blaise think I like him!? Malfoy? They both know how much I hate him! ugh! Now i have to deal with this all the way there!
I just sat down and leaned back in the chair, it made me move closer to him but I didn't care, I just gave up and tried to sleep to make this horrible journey go by at least a little bit quicker. 

I fell asleep after a while and I could hear whistling vaguely whilst I was asleep. 

The bad thing was.. I didn't realise that my head was on Draco's shoulder.

But.. he didn't move me, or even try to wake me up? 

I realised after about an hour or two when I woke up and I didnt even say anything when I awoke, I just lay on him and kept my eyes open so Luna and Blaise would know I was awake, but I made a face that told them not to tell Draco, he was actually quite comfy, so I didn't want to move but if he knew I was awake I knew he'd make me get off.

He smiled a little and looked down at me, "Why does she hate me?" He looked at the others with a confused expression on his face.

"Well- Draco you aren't the nicest to her, so I can kind of see why" Blaise laughed a little, "But honestly, it seems like she does like you, I mean she's lay on you" he smiled

"Yeah but still, she's literally asleep" 

Blaise looked at me and saw my face telling him not to say I'm awake, but still he didnt listen. "No she isn't, she's making a face to say not to tell you" he laughed and looked at me. I glared at him.

I looked up at Draco and smiled a little, "hi?.." 

"What the fuck-?! How long have you been awake?!" He pushed me off of his shoulder and acted like nothing had happened.

"I dont know, not that long, like 5 minutes?" I sat up and sighed, I was annoyed that he had pushed me off. 

"So you didn't hear anything?" 

"No, why?" I looked confused

"Oh nothing" he scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly

"Okay then!" I smiled a little, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a few minutes" i walked out of the compartment and went over to the bathroom.

"Yeah okay" Luna smiled back at me and leaned back.

"Phew.. she didn't hear anything" Draco laughed nervously and looked at the others

"Yeah I guess, but really?! You like her?!" Blaise looked at him shocked but with a smile on his face.

"Yeah I guess I do.. Just don't fucking tell her anything or I won't hesitate to hurt you!"

I decided to listen in and when I heard all of that I ran straight to the bathroom, "Malfoy likes me?! Malfoy?! Out of everyone?!" my face was bright red as I hid in the girls bathroom.

When I got back I walked into the compartment and saw Draco was bright red too, did he see me? I don't know, I mean, I was hid pretty well.. right? 
"I'm back!" I smiled and went back to sit beside Draco, I sat a little closer to him this time and Luna and Blaise whistled and laughed at us, but I honestly didn't care and i just rested my head on his shoulder again, partly because it was comfy and party because I might like him?

I closed my eyes and put my hand on top of his. I didn't even care about anything else in the world right now, this just felt right.

Draco looked down at me shocked, he was bright red but he just let me, "Oi! What are you doing?!" he yelled but he didnt do anything to stop me

"Shut up.. just let me" I sighed and moved closer to him.

I heard him sigh but he just nodded, "alright i guess.."

I smiled and opened my eyes, I looked at Luna and Blaise and just laughed a little, "what are you two looking at, huh?"

"You two" Luna giggled softly, "You look cute together-" she smiled and looked at me, it made both of us go bright red.

I just sighed and smiled a little, "Thanks I guess-?" I didn't really know what to say and just laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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