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It was Biology, my favorite lesson.
Not because I loved the subject, I hated it, but because of who I sat next to.
Amy Whittaker. She was honestly the most beautiful girl, perfect in every way. If i'm honest, she could probably turn me fully gay. Her long blonde hair drooping over her pale complexion, her smile so stunning you'd have to smile back, perfect figure, and her stare. It was always one which confused me, it had mixed vibes - Arousal, hatred and sympathy were just a few things which lured in her misleading eyes. I had always liked her, ever since year 7. I'd just never had the confidence to have a conversation, despite me being desperate to hear her voice speak to me. I would get so jealous when she'd make friends with my friends but not me. There was something which just pulled me to her, like an impulse of need.
"Zoe, what's the word equation for photosynthesis?" The teacher I hate the most, Miss Burke, asked me. I sighed, realizing like every lesson I had lost my self in Amy's sheer beauty. I shrugged my shoulders and watched as she wrote my name on the board for a detention. Amy glanced at me, this time I saw sympathy. The look was just brief, but it was enough to get me lost again. She must think i'm a right creep, staring all the time. I mumble to myself, mentally face palming as I do. Before I know it I realize it's the end of lesson, I grab my bag and leave as fast as possible, desperate to get away from Miss Burke. She catches me though, puts a detention slip into my pocket and snarls "You won't be sitting with Amy anymore"

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