Hello, old friend

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*One week time lapse*
"I'll do what I fucking want" I scream at my mum before angrily slamming the door. I ran down the street to catch the bus to Amy's. The only place I really felt I could call home.

Once I reached what I thought to be Amy's road, I realized I was lost.
It was an easy thing to do though since a lot of the houses looked the same, as did the roads.
I grabbed my phone and called Amy. "Hello?" She answers. "Hi, I think i'm lost" I giggle. She follows it up with "i'm coming now" and hangs up.

I stay in the same place, taking in the view of little children making the best out of what they have. Though, they did look quite intimidating. "Boo" I hear from behind me, knowing all to well Amy's usual greeting. I return a "hey" and follow her down the street.

Once we reach the house, the one which I visited a week ago after that incident. It felt awkward having been invitied this time rather than just turning up randomly.
"Juice?" Her mother asks I nod, not too long after she hands me a glass of orange. I thank her and follow Amy upstairs to her room.

"Ugh, Zoe!" Amy shouts, I turn around to find juice spilt on her carpet - I guess I did that.
"Oh my god, Amy i'm so sorry." But the look she gives me is unforgettable.
I run out of the room as I feel myself tearing up. She must hate me now.

I lock myself in her bathroom and bring out a friend I know all to well, a friend I have a love/hate relationship with. My blade.
It was the last one I had due to my family confiscating my others. I roll up my sleeve and pick up my old friend. Slowly, I dragged the sharp blade across my skin. A rush of pain followed, as well as blood. I let out a sigh of release. I glided the blade all the way up my arm, making little slits into my skin until I decided I could take no more.

After that, everything went black.

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