Getting closer

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Third Person POV

"He is such a dead drag." Damiano complained about Mr Agnelli, blowing smoke from his cigarette into the air. "What's the betting he's already bothered to call SLT?"

"100/1," Jacopo chuckled, getting two cigarettes and his lighter out of his pocket. He held one out to Ethan, asking a silent question. Ethan accepted with a quiet "thanks" and lit the end of it from Jacopo's lighter flame.

Damiano POV

I watched on as Ethan accepted a cigarette from Jaco. He looked so utterly sexy, the way he blew the smoke out of his mouth. I couldn't deny that recently I had grown more and more attracted to him, to the point where I wanted him to do unspeakable things to me.

He looked over at me and smiled, and I felt my heart flip. I smile back, sensing that he had also developed some form of feelings towards me as well. I mean, it was getting kind of stalker-ish, how much he would look at me during class. I didn't mind though. I felt like a million bucks having someone that handsome look at me.

Jacopo excused himself to use the restroom for a second. "Handy having one right next to you." He chuckled as he disappeared behind the door.

Jacopo really was my best friend. He has been since I was born, he's always looking out for me, even more so since we found out I was born with a uterus. I was feeling super under the weather one day, two years ago, and my mother, Rosa, took me to the doctors. Jacopo came with me, and when we found out he didn't really say much, but I could tell he was being more protective of me since then.

I really want to go out with Ethan, or at least let him fuck me, but Jacopo might punch poor Ethan if he finds out. I suppose we'll just have to keep it a secret. Ethan walked towards me so that we were next to each other. "Hey." he smirked, and I giggled. "hi."

"so, what are you doing later?" he asked, a playful tone to his lips. Oh my god, its happening. He's gonna ask me out, ohmygodohmygodohmygod

"nothing much, why?" I responded with a smile.

"would you like to go to the diner with me? It's literally five minutes from my house, and I can drive so I'll make sure you get home at whatever time your parents think is decent."

"I'd love to, thanks." he smiled, and without knowing I felt myself leaning closer to him. It was a reassurance that he was doing the same. His lips were soft on mine, warm and smooth as we kissed slowly. It felt like all my dreams were coming true.

We jerked away from each other when Jacopo came out of the bathroom. He smiled at the both of us, seemingly unaware of the previous events, and washed his hands. Me and Ethan shared a discreet smile, and I felt my heart flutter.

Third Person POV

"It's lunch next, wanna sit with us?" Jacopo asked Ethan, who enthusiastically nodded. It seemed sad, but being a borderline "outcast" came with its downsides, such as having no friends to sit with or talk to, and having to eat lunch alone. Well, he was going up a rank or two now, sitting with the most popular siblings in the school.

The bell rang soon after, and the three of them traipsed into the courtyard, crossing to the cafeteria. Jacopo got some fried chicken and Damiano chose the fajita main that was being presented that day. He noticed that Ethan didn't have anything, so he picked up a normal sandwich main too, that came with fries, a side salad and a donut.

As the three of them sat down, Damiano passed the food to Ethan. "I figured you'd be hungry." He smiled. Truth be told, Ethan had forgotten to pack his lunch that day. He smiled gratefully at the Italian boy, blowing him a kiss when Jacopo looked away. Damiano giggled into his fajita.

"Damiano, me and the boys are heading to the bowling alley after school, you wanna come?" Jacopo asked. Damiano swallowed his last bite of fajita before replying.

"Sorry Jaco, I can't, I've already got plans." Jacopo nodded, understanding, and was content with showing his younger brother the meme he found on instagram. When the bell rang, and the three of them had to go their separate ways, Damiano winked at Ethan and whispered, "see you later."

Ethan had never been so excited for the end of the day in his entire life.

The Outcast जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें