Sorting It Out

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Damiano POV

I didn't end up waking up until the following morning, at noon. I guess I really was tired. Jacopo had left a text on my phone to explain.

Jacopo: good morning, or afternoon whenever u read it. I told mama everything, she took it well thankfully. She's left u some penne al forno in the microwave for whenever you want it. Mama also told papa, and he pretty much reacted the same way as me but he and I have realised it's your choice and we all support you. We didn't wanna wake you because you looked so comfy, so consider this a day off lmao. Remember we love you Dami, try to relax as much as possible. I have basketball club today, so I won't be back until 4:30pm, and mamas working so she wont be back until 6pm, and papa won't be back until 6:30. Love you - J.

I smiled at the text, thankful that Jaco had taken my situation into his own hands, and that he's trying his best to support me. I was allowed to breathe properly now; apart from informing Ethan (oh god) I didn't really have to do much apart from decide whether I was actually going to keep it or not. I peered down at my stomach.

I genuinely didn't know whether to keep them or not, I wasn't ready for a kid but the thought of abortion just makes me feel faint. I shrugged to myself and hopped out of bed, going down to the kitchen and grabbing the leftover penne al forno after heating it for a few minutes.

I scrolled along Instagram as I ate, simply bored out of my mind. I was in the middle of putting my dish in the dishwasher when I heard my phone ring. It was Ethan.

"Hey." I picked up, subconsciously smiling. Talking to Ethan always made me feel better.

"Hey, I was just calling to see how you were, I haven't seen you at school today." It made my heart warm seeing Ethan be so caring toward me. If he wanted to be a father, I can be sure that he'd be a good one.

"Yeah, I haven't been feeling too well. And there's, uh, something I wanted to tell you." I bit my lip. "Go ahead." He said warmly.

"Well uh, you remember yesterday, right? In the bathrooms? Well, I found out yesterday evening that, uh, I'm pregnant." I held my breath. I was met with silence on the other end of the phone. "...Ethan?"

"Sorry, I... are you sure? Damiano, you're a dude." I mentally slapped myself for not remembering that Ethan didn't know I was born with a uterus. I told him then, and he started to understand.

"So, you're...pregnant with my baby? Right?" Ethan sounded shocked. I confirmed this and he was quiet for a second. "Well..." he started to speak. "I support whatever decision you make, and if you want me alongside you then I'll be there. Tell you what, join me at the diner tonight, I'll pick you up."

"That sounds nice, thanks Eth."

"No problem, I want to be there for you as much as possible. I may not know much about your condition, but I do know that growing a baby is hard, and it's rarely a perfect experience. So whatever you need, I'm only a call away. See you tonight, i gotta get to class."

"Alright, bye Ethan." I hung up, feeling better now that everything was out of the way. But not for long; I soon found myself throwing up my entire stomach into the toilet. God, this was already proving to be difficult.

Third Person POV

Damiano spent most of the day lounging on the couch, petting the family cat, Bidet, scrolling through films on Netflix and excusing himself every so often to throw up in the toilet. He had made a mental note to ask his mother if there was any specific foods he should eat or medicine he should take to reduce sickness.

Speaking of his mother, she had turned up at the house a little after 2pm, carrying donuts and a bottle of orange juice. She explained that she had finished all work required for her shift early, and her boss sent her home out of kindness, and she was allowed to take home the donuts her boss brought in for her family, as there were six left.

"I got you some orange juice on the way home - I would have gotten you a coffee but you can't have it when expecting, and I know how much you love orange juice, so it was the next best thing." She kissed him on the head and handed him a glazed donut on a plate. "How are you feeling, cucciolo?"

Damiano patted the section of the sofa next to him for his mother to sit on, and snuggled under her arm. "Thank you mama. I'm feeling okay, I was a bit unwell this morning but it wore off around 1pm, maybe? Missed you." Damiano rested his head on his mother's shoulder, giggling when she blew a raspberry on his nose.

"Yeah, I thought you might be a bit poorly." Rosa hummed, smiling at her son's laugh. "I would try pouring out some lemonade and letting it lose its fizz, or ginger biscuits, they worked for me." Damiano nodded, letting his eyes close as he rested against his mother. He didn't realise how tired he was until he yawned, and heard his mama coo, pushing his hair back from his forehead.

"Aww, Tesoro, you're getting sleepy. Why don't you sleep upstairs for a bit, and I'll come get you when Jaco's home. I know you've missed him." Damiano nodded and took himself upstairs, bundling himself in his blanket, and before he knew it he was peacefully asleep, dreaming of his family and their soon-to-be new addition.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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