The Monster

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"Not completely human. Yeah, right," she scoffs.

I give her a big smile, baring my teeth to show my sharp incisors.

"So you have fangs. That means nothing to me; they could be capped teeth or something," she says to me looking uncomfortably at my sharp teeth.

My eyes flash a bright crimson red.

"Whoa, that's creepy. But they could be.. um. contact lenses or something," she contemplates.

"Oh for the love of-!" I exclaim exasperated.

I wrap my hand around a tree sapling and yank. The tree comes up with ease.

"Uh, superhuman strength, or steroids or something," she says, speculative. "There's no way you could be anything else."

"I give up!" I exclaim.


Word count: 107 words

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