Truth or Dare

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play truth or dare

Peachy: OK everyone let's go, Raven truth or dare

Raven: Truth

Peachy: Who do you like

Raven: *blushes* Beastboy

peachy: OK now you dare\question someone else

Raven: Cyborg Truth or dare

Cyborg: dare

Raven: you have to put on a blindfold and we get to peachy gets to choose a random pertner in this room for you to dance with but you can't peek and the partner can't talk*smiles mischieveious*

Cyborg: Is it too late to change back now?

Robin: yep*puts blindfold on cyborg* can you see

Cyborg: are you kiddo g me its poich black *runs in to wall*

Robin: don't I've* rings him back to the center of the room*

Peachy: *picks someone*

Cyborg: *feels hand* gloves......Robin

Everyone but partner and Cyborg: Noope

Cyborg: *dances some more* Long sleeves.......Raven

Everyone but partner and cyborg: Nooope

Cyborg: Gloves Long sleeves who could it be *snaps* I've got it *feels face and ears* Pointy ears........wait...... IM DANCING WITH BEASTBOY EW ......Peachy I was not looking g forward to this

PeChy: but he's like like your best friend

Cyborg: ya my BBF not my dancing partner

everyone but cyborg laughs

Starfire: *trying to control her laugh* some some.....cake hahahhahhhhahaha

Serious 5 ask and dare part 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin