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Peachy: hey guys I just had this Idea to do some challenges

Cyborg: m- OK


Peachy: *hands each person a spoon of salt and and Ice cube.

Robin: oh no not this challenge please don't say its this challenge

Peachy: its this challenge

Robin: Ugh I told you not to tell me.

Peachy: please do not try this at home viewer's

Everyone: *puts salt on wrists then presses the ice down on it hard*

Starfire:* she just eats it

we didn't care

Everyone but Starfire: Ouch ow ow ow ow!!!!!!!

Starfire: *shrugs*

Robin: ahhh it burns

Cyborg: I think the ice m-messed up my circites

Starfire: Can't finish cyborg has a lost the circites or what the ever that a means cake?!:-)

Serious 5 ask and dare part 1Where stories live. Discover now