Memory Number 3

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The basics Mc's Thought: I know Lawrence has done terrible things that I will never forgive or forget no matter how much time passes I still can't understand why he did it no matter how hard I try to explain it 100 times. Even so, Lawrence is all I have left and the mere thought of remembering when I was about to be bitten causes me a terrible discomfort I have already lost everyone in this desolate world I only have him and for better or for worse it is true no I have somewhere to go I won't stand to be alone again I can't do it again I'd rather be by his side than be alone again /

Lawrence: Mc I would like to know what you're thinking, your face changes so much from one moment to another even though you're completely silent, it's almost like you don't stop talking.

Mac: Seriously? Guess I'll have to learn not to make facial expressions.

Lawrence: I didn't say I didn't like it, I just find it curious, well tell me your lips and if they don't burn you, have you been using the balm I brought you right?

Mc: yes it is

Lawrence: I'm so happy to see that your lips aren't chapped in the slightest anymore and that color suits you just as I imagined it to be perfect. Who else but you could look so good in such a shitty world?

Mac: I don't know.

/ Lawrence went from being a little far from mc to getting quite a few centimeters from his body, he brought his thumb to mc's lips delicately touching the left corner while mc didn't flinch /

Lawrence: It's a shame I still can't see a smile on your face. Don't you think it's time? To prove it now that our home where we are, only you and me is finished

/ Mc without thinking much even with Lawrence's thumb on his lips forced a smile /

Lawrence: You look beautiful like this.

Mc: thanks

Lawrence: Your lips don't look sore anymore and you don't pull me away from you every time I get close / gently brush the hair off mc's forehead kisses his forehead /

Is it because you accepted me by your side right?

Mc: yes Lawrence i agree to be by your side, I can't imagine losing you or being away from you

Lawrence: you can't imagine how I feel right now I think I'm the happiest man in the world being with you forever I promise you that nothing and no one will hurt you I'll protect you like none of those idiots could have/grab mc from her waist sticking her to her body and grabs her head and rests it on her shoulder, since they are both sitting on the floor / Mc: if that's what you want

Lawrence: it is what I want most in the world to have you as close as possible to me to feel that there is no distance between you and me both physically and emotionally I want you to be mine I want you not to think about anything or anyone else but me, that's why I did all this, to keep you by my side.

Mc: you didn't need to do that if you had talked to me before I-

Lawrence: But of course, you needed not to see how they stole your attention, your kindness, your love was not exclusively for me, if I had brought you here without killing them all, you would still think that at some point they would have come to save you, although the truth is that they had not done it. You do not get it? This was my greatest act of love, I did all this for you

/ Mc starts to cry silently the tears run down her face but she doesn't make a sound as she just thinks of Harry's face after being bitten telling you to survive /

Lawrence: Why are you crying? I thought that having already passed that stage of crying all the time it would not happen again, we had talked about this before, I remember that you promised me never to cry again.

Mc: I'm sorry, sometimes I can't control myself.

Lawrence: well anyway, even your tears are beautiful to me, every expression of yours, every tear, every cry, every smile, is for me. So as long as it is like that I would see you cry all day, just like a few weeks ago, but although I like to see you cry, I like more to see you smile that warm smile that that stranger gave me on a rainy day with an umbrella I will never forget that day when no one else cared about me a stranger helped me more than anyone

Mc: only for that you did all that for me. For an umbrella?

Lawrence: no, you unlike all those selfish children always saw your bravery for others, your kindness made you see how the lotus flower grew in the mud of the swamp, nobody else deserves you only me.

/ Lawrence slowly brings his face closer to mc Lawrence's, his face is red with a particularly happy smile and in a bit of a hurry as mc freezes letting Lawrence do whatever he wants and then Lawrence kissed me slowly as he brought his body closer and more to his while mc wondered when it would end, Lawrence made his kisses little by little more passionate until he finally stopped for a moment to take a breath /

MC: Lawrence I-

Lawrence: what's up

Mc: I need time I know I have agreed to be by your side but I would like to take time to do this kind of thing, could you give me that time?

Lawrence: ahh... it's okay Mc I'm able to wait I'm not an impatient man just a little passionate but of course only for you

/gets up from the floor leaving Mc sitting alone on the floor and takes off his jacket leaving him with his short-sleeved white collared shirt and his black long-sleeved shirt underneath even though Mc was terrified of Lawrence she had to accept that he looked good without her jacket/

Lawrence: here use it I know you're cold your hands are cold I know it's something big I promise to get you a jacket as soon as I can

Mc: thanks, Lawrence.

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