Chapter 19 - Kidnapped

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"Why is Dr. Rhodes scheduled to operate on Mr. Montero?" Ava asked Ms Goodwin.

"It's out of my hands" Goodwin replied.

"Dr. Rhodes is on the trauma service. I'm the attending in CT. Mr. Montero's case should've come to me" Ava was frustrated, why did Connor get to perform the surgery when it should be her?

"Dr. Bekker, Mr. Montero specifically requested Dr. Rhodes and Mr. Montero gets what he wants" Sharon explained before walking away.

Ava took a deep breath, then she tried to let it go. There was nothing she could do.

A while later Connor was ready to scrub in. "Why are you here?" he asked Ava who was standing in the pre-operating room, scrubbing in.

"I'm scrubbing in on your surgery" she answered, quickly looking up at him, then continuing to wash her hands.

"No, Dr. Latham is assisting" he said in confusion.

"He reconsidered" Ava said.

"So just like that, he pulled out. What did you say to him?" Connor was frustrated.

"Really, Connor?" she breathed, she was tired of Connor always suspecting her.

"Why wasn't I consulted?" he asked, thinking Ava made him pull out and let her assist.

"Don't worry. It's been very clear to me that Mr. Montero is your patient. I am only here as your humble assistant" she shaked her head, now she, too, was frustrated.

"By the way, had my last HIV test. I'm clear" she said, looking into his, now, cold eyes. The eyes that used to look at her with pure love.

"I'm glad to hear it" Connor breathed.

"Since you were the one who so carelessly cut me, I thought you might be" Ava finished coldly, walking into the OR.

But halfway through the surgery Connor got a frightening call. Robin had been kidnapped. And they wanted money to let her go.

Connor hastily backed away from the patient, dropping his gloves and mask on the floor. "I have to leave" he said in a voice of horror.

"What?" Ava said in shock.

"Finish the anastomosis. Check the competency of the valve" he breathed in panic, ripping his operating scrubs off.

"Connor, no" Ava breathed hastily under her mask, not understanding what could be so important that he would just leave the OR in the middle of an operation, an important operation.

"You've done this before, you'll be fine" he said.

"That's not-" Ava didn't get to finish her sentence before Connor shouted to the person on the phone, running out of the OR.

"All right, we have a patient on the table. Let's get back to work" Ava took a deep breath, trying to focus.

Connor ran out of the hospital as fast as he possibly could, ignoring Gwen Garrett and all the others. He got into his car, driving way too fast, heading for the bank.

But suddenly Daniel and a bunch of cops walked in.

"No, I told you not to call the police. They saw you, they're going to kill her" Connor shouted in panic.

"They're not" Daniel said calmly.

"You don't know that" Connor yelled, panicking.

"Yes, I do" Daniel assured him.

"Dr. Rhodes. Robin was never kidnapped" a cop said to him.

"No, she was. I-I heard her, I heard her scream" Connor shouted.

"It wasn't her, buddy" Daniel said. "No, it's a scam" the cop continued.

"A scam?" Connor said, starting to calm down, then he just collapsed on the stairs, trying to get back to normal.

When he was back in the hospital Goodwin stopped him, explaining that the surgery went well and that they were closing him up now.

"I heard what happened, that's awful. But Robin's okay, it was just a scam?" Ava asked when she saw Connor again.

"Yeah" he breathed, closing his eyes for a second.

"So cruel" Ava said sympathetically, shaking her head.

"Well, thank you for stepping in" Connor said.

"Of course" she breathed before taking a last look at Connor, then walking away.

"Looks like it all worked out well for her" Goodwin said to Connor when Ava had left.

"Yeah" Connor breathed, already starting to suspect Ava. He always did this, suspecting Ava. Everything that happened to him, he thought she had done.

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