Chapter 9

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Jungkook's POV

During the whole ride back, I couldn't stop thinking about her smile.

"But I think, I'm slowly enjoying working with you."

Stop it.

I refuse to trust someone again. How could you trust someone else when you don't even trust your own family?

When we got back to the main base, Kai had locked Zico and Shindong in the underground prison with maximum security.

Zico used to be apart of our agency.

However when he heard that we were going to stop committing crimes, he stormed out and we never saw him again.

Truth be told, it wasn't like I preferred to be a good guy rather than a bad guy.

I was okay with either of them, as long as I could take care of my sister.

"Good job Rosé!" The Boss cooed and patted her, "Because of you, we got the SJ group silenced again!"

I've never seen him act so lively before.

"Ah! Stop treating me like a kid, Boss Wang." Rosé whined and pouted.

I secretly smiled.

"Hey what you smiling for?" Jennie creeped up to me.

"Nothing." I returned back to a stoic face. "By the way, did you manage to track down Sunwoo?"

"Nope, it seems that he ran away right after he dropped you three off on the mission."

"Ah, I see."

"Though, Irene seemed quite upset when she got home." Jennie continued, lowering her voice, "I heard she and Sunwoo were friends with benefits, but she actually liked him or something..."

"Where did you hear that from?" I asked, confused.

She shrugged, "I don't know. It is just a rumor though."

"What are you gossiping about." Irene came up behind us.

Jennie jumped in surprise.

"N-nothing." She played it off.

"Stop spreading around false rumors and do your work." Irene bonked a rolled up newspaper on Jennie's head.

Women sure are the scariest when they're pissed off.

Rosé walked by me and greeted, "Good work today! I would've died without your help."

"Rosiee, you're giving him too much credit." Jennie said jokingly.

I rolled my eyes and walked away from those two.

"Jungkook, I want to talk to you."

At Zaddy Wang's office...

"What's up Boss?" I asked casually. "You don't normally ask to talk to me privately."

"Jungkook, I want you to be Rosé's mentor. I see a lot of potential in her and I think she could learn a lot from you." Boss explained.

"Why me? Wouldn't Irene or Jennie be a better mentor since they're closer with her?"

"Irene is on another level. Rosé can't keep up with her at the moment. Not the mention she's one of my advisors, she's a busy gal."

Thanks for nicely saying I'm worse than Irene, Boss.

"Jennie could be a good mentor, but she's too carefree and could get herself and Rosé both in trouble."

"Okay... continue."

"And you," He pointed at me. "—are the perfect candidate because you're good at what you do and you are responsible enough to take care of her."

"You know, Kai is responsible too." I reasoned.

"Okay but— Kai is also my advisor. It's different." The Boss countered.

The Boss seemed to oddly want to pair me up with Rosé.

Suspicious, but I didn't want to question any further.

"Alright alright." I sighed in defeat. "I get it."

"Saerom dear, could you get me a cup of tea?" He asked the maid.

Saerom nodded and left the office.

"Now, tell me." Boss Wang leaned forward, close to me. "Is that Irene and that traitor Sunwoo rumor really true?"


To be continued...

The School's Nerd is Secretly Apart of a MAFIA?! | RosekookOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant