Chapter Twelve

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I wake up to the sounds of chatting and laughter. I open one eye and then the other stretching my legs and arms, and finally, sitting up.

"Good morning!" Rokaya smiles.

"You're awake!" Cat shouts.

I turn around and see Joyce fast asleep in the corner. I look up in panic and then calm down when I see Paul standing guard. I clear my throat. "Good morning, indeed! I'm very pleased to say... This place is safe!"

"For now." Caylah adds, almost too soon.

"The point is, we survived the night here." Joyce croaks, slowly sitting up.

Julie is whispering to Jessica about something, making them laugh. "Whats so funny?" I ask, very confused.

"Nothing." They say in unison as they giggle some more. 

Teo, Hasan, and Darius are all in a corner laughing and having a jolly good time. And that's what they all deserve. 

"So," I look around at everyone. "Last night, me and Joyce were making a plan to make this place... Better, so, we are gonna drive back into town and take, like, three more cars. We are going to expand, and eventually, I was hoping to make a fence, or more like a barrier of cars." Everyone has a big smile on their face. I stand up, "So, I was gonna ask Caylah, Joyce, and Hasan to come with us."

"Sure." Hasan agrees instantly.

"I don't see why not." Caylah nods.

"Of course I'll come!" Joyce exclaims.

I look up at Paul, "Please keep them safe for me, and if there is a herd on the road, keep quiet, and don't give yourselves away, or you'll really be asking for it."

"Don't worry." Paul promises.

"I'll try." I say jumping into a car.

This is going to be great.

We drive back into town, hitting walkers as they lunge out at the cars. We park at Walmart. There are loads of cars lined up and down the parking lot. We all jump out of the car.

"Hey Sam?" Hasan looks up with pleading eyes.

"Yes Hasan?" I respond pointing to three black cars. 

"Can I go into Walmart to use the restrooms?" Hasan pleads.

"Uhhhh... If Joyce goes with you..." I look at Joyce, she nods. 

"Fine." Hasan grumbles. 

Hasan and Joyce run quietly into Walmart. 

"So you want those three?" Caylah points at the black ones again. 

"Yes." I say a little annoyed. I quickly apologize, "I'm so sorry, I just... " 

She puts a hand on my shoulder, "It's fine, I get it." 

I smile and nod. "You're so understanding." I say as she finishes on one car and begins to move on to the next. 

"Ha, well, not all the time." She shakes her head, then looks up. "All yours."

I follow her eyes and see two walkers near us. I pull out my knife and walk slowly over. Both of them see me. I kick over the one closest to Caylah and stab the one behind it. It lands on top of the other one's legs, pinning it down.

 I laugh, "Caylah did you see that!?"

 She nods, laughing so hard she's turning blood red!! She's working on the third car when we hear multiple shots and screaming.

 "Oh shit." Caylah whispers, grabing me by the hand and dragging me to a car.

 "Wait." I hiss.

 Caylah pulls out her gun, I then do the same. Joyce runs out, followed by Hasan, and behind them... Another herd!

 "Oh my god. Not again." Caylah aims and fires, hitting one behind Hasan.

 We turn and hop into our cars. Waiting. I look back and see Joyce hop into one of the extra cars, but Hasan? Where the hell's Hasan?! Caylah from the car across from me signals for me and Joyce to go. We all quickly speed out back to the road. Caylah's leading the way... "home."

Once we arrive back at camp, I hop out of my car. Rokaya looks around us for the other car. Then she turns to me. 

"Where's my brother?" She demands, tears forming in the rims of her eyes.

I sigh and look down. "I-I'm so sorry... " I begin. 

She turns around and lays down on the blankets weeping heavily into a green pillow. Dominique, Joyce, and Caylah kneel next to her, reassuring her and rubbing her back. 

I look up at Paul. "E-everything okay here?" 

He nods, "A herd passed right by us."

"That's good." I tap Pauls shoulder. "I can watch for a little bit." Paul nods and hops off a car. 

We drive the cars together making a six car, circle. I hop on top of a car, gun in hand and wait. Dominique starts a fire. 

"Quick question, where is Darius and Teo?" I ask a little nervous. 

"Frog hunting." Jora states proudly. 

"That's another reason we are making a fire." Dominique adds. "To cook those suckers up." She finishes. 

"That's great!" Julie exclaims.

"That sounds both good and gross." Jessica breaths.

Caylah shrugs, "Food is food." 

"I know." Jessica mumbles.

Twenty minutes pass. We see two shadows appear from the side of the sand. Teo and Darius stroll in holding dozens of frogs, and a bucket of muddy water. 

Darius laughs and rips off a frog leg. 

"Seriously?" Caylah rolls her eyes.

They hand the frogs to Caylah and Dominique. It takes minutes before the frogs are finally cooked. We each get about three and if you're lucky, four cooked frogs. We also get five mouthfuls of the dirty water. Once the sun sets, we put out the fire, and snuggle up in our makeshift beds. Teo offers to take watch. I lay down on my back and look up at the moon. It's so bright and beautiful, my vision blurs as I slowly drift away...

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