Chapter Twenty Two

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Sam's POV

I open my eyes to a bloody world, along with the sounds of screams, and the smell of smoke. I look to my right, Caylah, bleeding out her neck while trying to cover it with her now blood covered hands, she keeps screaming, and I wouldn't blame her. I look away as my stomach begins to knot up. I look out the window and see a walker appear out of the dust. I try to sit up, my leg then sends up a jolt of pain. I look down and see a shard of glass in it. I screech a little out loud, and look around me, holding my leg. 

"Everyone, " I manage to cough out, but I can't seem to finish.

"Help me! Please! Help me!" Caylah cry's out, her voice sounds like it's gurgling, which it probably is with the blood in her throat. 

I can't look at her. My stomach hurts from listening to her screams, just imagining the blood crackling in her throat as she talks. I look up and see the walker nearing closer. 

"Guys!" I try to shout over Caylah. The ones awake look my way, all I can do is point. 

"Time.. To.. go.." Catalina's friend announces, taking Cat's hands and slowly dragging her limp body out the window. Caylah lunges out the window, then stops, and lays on the ground. Her body begins to convulse, her mouth pouring out a dark velvet blood, she keeps gurgling. Charlie then jumps over me, crawls out the window, and beats the zombie, with her bat, near Caylah. Hasan follows him out. Teo carries his sisters body to the window, crawls through, and drags her out with him, while in tears. Darius follows them out as well. I use all my upper body strength and slowly, but surly, make my way out the window. Cat's friend carries her to us, laying her gently on the ground. She seems fine, her forehead looks swollen and purple, she must have hit it really hard on maybe the dashboard. Two boys, scrabble out the window. I look over at Jora's limp body, just lying there on the ground, Teo, kneeling next to her, tears flooding out his eyes and down his cheek. I know what's to come. I look over at Hasan and nod. 

"I thought you were dead." 

"Hello to you too." He responds.

"Teo, I need you to stand away from her." I say looking back at him and Jora. 

"No." He hisses back. He stops and looks around at everyone. His eyes lock on Catalina's friend. His gaze seems to burn through his soul. Finally he speaks again, standing up, and pulling out his knife. 

"You did this to her!" He growls.

"Stop Teo, its not his fault," one of the boys speaks up. 

Catalina's eyes open slowly, she panics when she sees the three boys. 

Cat's POV

I bolt up as soon as I see Teo pointing his knife at Alejandro and Andre.

"What are you doing?!" 

"He killed my sister!" Teo shouts.

"It wasn't his fault!" Andre shouts back while pulling out his knife.

"There was a walker in the car!" Alejandro trys to reason.

"You had one job! That was to pay attention to the road! Not whats in the car!" Teo growls.

"What would you have done if there was a walker behind you, and you knew it could bite you at any second?!" Alejandro pulls out his knife, then whispers to Teo, "Come over here slowly." 

We all begin to take some steps backwards. I look down at Sam, she trys pushing herself back. Alejandro dashes towards Teo, and raises his knife. But then stops in his tracks as Teo's blade is pushed through his stomach. Alejandro's knife then falls to the ground, and so does he. Teo begins screaming in pain as none other than his sister, Jora, bites his arm. Andre rushes over, his brother Jaxon calls after him, telling him to stop. Andre grabs Alejandro's arms and begins dragging his body towards us. 

"Where's the other survivors?" Sam demands.

Alejandro coughs. "Help me up."

"You've got a knife in your stomach!" Sam exclaims.

"Well you had a fever!" I shout at her.

"You're defending him? After what he attempted" Sam questions me, staggering up.

"Stop!" I get up slowly, then make my way over to them. 

"I was trying to help, I saw that little girl, and I knew, I was trying to save him, not hurt him. You all saw her, and didn't bother to even shout out." Alejandro spits out.

Sam just glares down at him. Jaxon stops Jora, while Teo shouts and screams at him.   A low hum then hushes us. Suddenly it begins to get louder. Sam looks at me, wide eyed, shaky. I look back. The horde is coming to us. 

"Seriously, we've got to go." Charlie whispers, looking down at Caylah's now still body. For once he genuinely looks sad. He then reaches down, takes her knife, and holds it close. 

I look at Andre, "Can you help me carry him?" I look down at Alejandro.

"Sure." Andre bends down, grabbing Alejandro's left arm, while I grab his right. Together we lift and hold him up. 

"Which way?" 

"Well which way do you think?" 

I glance back at the walkers behind us. "Right, sorry!"

Teo charges towards us, taking Jaxon's knife. Just before he reaches us, we both drop Alejandro. He misses, but trips over Alejandro's body. Sam and Jaxon rush over, and each take one of Teo's arms. Teo begins to cry. 

"Leave me... I'll only slow you down, and one way or another, kill him."

Me and Andre pick Alejandro back up. 

"They're getting closer, you better make up your mind before you don't have one." Charlie speaks up.

Sam nods to Jaxon. Both drop Teo. Jaxon reaches down and takes his knife back. 

"Goodbye, Teo." Sam whispers.

"Goodbye." He whispers back.

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