Writer's Blocks

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Hey guys!

Ever wonder how it felt like having a Writer's Block? That's actually common for people who started writing. It is quite stressful. However, my best friend found this information somewhere at a site. Here's a few details about the common writer's blocks you guys might have currently or recently (Tell me if you have any of these):

1# A-B Writer's Block: You are at point A and you want to get to point B, but you have no clue on how to get there.

2# Wrong Word Writer's Block: You know what you want to write, you just don't know how to explain it.

3# Hit the Wall Writer's Block: The worst kind. You have no idea where you're going or what to do, and the creative juices are frozen in an ice-tray.

4# Distraction Writer's Block: You know what to write, it's just whenever you start to write, something distracts you.

5# Separate Inspiration Writer's Block: You were hit with inspiration for another story and you must write it!

6# Flame Writer's Block: Someone told you your story stinks, which damaged your self-esteem, so you no longer have the will to write.

7# Perfectionist Writer's Block: Your perfectionist sibling read your story and is now making you go back and fix every single grammatical error before you continue.

8# Disinterest Writer's Block: You are no longer interested in the subject you were writing about.

I will tell you guys how to get rid of these writer's blocks in the next page. If any of guys have any writer's blocks that are slightly different, feel free to tell me and I will help you to resolve it.

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