How to Get Rid of It 5#

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Flame Writer's Block: Someone told you your story stinks, which damaged your self-esteem, so you no longer have the will to write.

I'n very sure that some of you experiences this before. But don't lose your confidence. Here's a few tips on how to destroy this horrible block:

1) Ignore them

Don't let them stop you from doing what you love to do. These people don't have the rights to spoil your moment, but they do have the rights to give constructive critism. You can see the difference.

2) Have self-confidence

One foul comment is enough to bring someone down, but don't try to take it seriously. Show the other readers that you still have confidence in your story. There's other people out there who can give you inspiring and supporting comments. Look at the bright side and tell them that you thanked them for giving their opinion and leave them alone.

3) Block them

If you didn't want them to say it again, it's better if you block them. This may prevent them from calling your story negative things or you could report the comment being offensive and let Wattpad do the thing.

Keep writing!

Tips for Writer's BlocksNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ