Chapter Three

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IT TURNED OUT that everybody needs sleep, including Ellia Odellyn

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IT TURNED OUT that everybody needs sleep, including Ellia Odellyn. Yep, that's my surname over there, coming from my very own mother instead of father. I was told that they had argument over two weeks just to decide the best name for their daughter. Of course, girls being like girls, they always won in any sort of arguments.

But what's the point in giving such a perfect and dreamy name when you couldn't even take good care of your one and only child. For anyone still confused with it, I was raised in an orphanage for four years before a man came to me and adopted me.

He was super rich, the richest in our neighborhood. That was supposed to make me feel like a royalty you might say, but oh the irony. He did gave me almost everything, girly dresses, expensive toys, education in one of the most prestige schools, not that I really cared about all of this because honestly I hated those dresses even though I was only five at that time; until his business failed completely and he no longer had the status and being looked upon among many people.

It was that afternoon after coming home from school did I realized his true intentions. He wanted a perfect daughter, with good manners and smart at anything and had the capability of running her own finance business. But most importantly, he wanted to make a good show in front of his people that he indeed has a strong bloodline in his family, and that was the reason why he decided to adopt me in the first place. All because I looked just like the daughter he always dreamed about. Similar brunette hair with eyes the color of sapphire green, he always told me.

Little did he know that I was far from his expectations. And he only realized this after spending time with me at his manor because his company had gone bankrupt.

Then the abuse started- unhealthy verbal attacks that I slowly became accustomed to (and maybe it did have impact on my mental character), changed into something like slapping, hitting, pushing, you named it.

It had been like that for almost a year, until he brought another girl in our life. Someone who shared similar traits like me, or should I say him. Her name was Jesia and I think you already knew the rest of the story, and the reason why he had favored her more than me.

Anyways back to the present. I finally slept at dawn after satisfying myself with the sight of the moon and managed to wake up at noon. It was a wrong thing to do because my stomach rumbled in protest.

"You have not filled your stomach ever since the Pinnata's attack," said Michael as a way of greeting when I was venturing the hallway. He smiled shyly when I glanced at him, and suddenly I remembered what had happened between us the last time I saw him.

Good job, Ellia. Not even a day had passed since then but you had successfully made three new potential enemies. "Look, Michael. About the things I've said yesterday... I never meant to shout at you."

He nodded in understanding. "I know. And I want to say sorry to you. I should have tried to understand your feelings more because of the hard time you've faced. Can you forgive me?" He rub behind his neck awkwardly.

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