snow day

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A/n: so I recently read heartstopper ( it's really good if you don't know it) and the snow scene inspired me to write this little one shot between luke and reggie enjoy ! :)

Reggie's POV
I head outside in my thick, black duffle coat attempting to abolish the bone chilling cold in the air.My feet Crunch the Snow in my new doc Martins, leaving a footprint behind in the Powdery blanket. Alex has gone away for winter break with his family So I've been hanging with like in the Christmas-y Weather. So how I am leaving My arrohoursgant father and hoping my mother will be ok as I head to the Patterson's cheerful abode, twinkling lights on the front Porch and the Obnoxious tree that can just be seen through the foggy windows. My icy hand raps at the the Pale blue door, once, twice ,until a familiar face appeared from the warmth Chesnut hair curling by his eyes. " Reg! " smiles luke my Stomach doing backflips at his beautiful white teeth, in a best-friend Sorta way right? He hugs me tightly and I wrap my arms around his Strong torso in responce,Conforted by the warmth of the person I tresure the most in the world - even more than Han Solo if you would believe it! The door Closes behind me and luke's arms return to his Side as I pull of my Coat and shoes, Casting them to their casual place and padding into the kitchen in my fat, fluffy socks.Upon Spying them luke grinned wriggling his toes in his own comfortable coocon of fluff. the hands me a Mug of hot chocolate as we Settle into the Couch."Starwars?" he queries knowingful well my response before I eagerly repley "please, Please,please !" And the boy laughs flicking on Screen.We sit there for 3 hours, Cuddled together in a warm little Penguin huddle, Sipping at our hot chocolate with whipped Cream and an army of mini marshmallows, well I did, luke had his coffee with frothy milk from the Cappucino machine and those fancy brown Sugar cubes he likes.As the film ends the snow has began to fall in flurries again. As if reading My Mind he says "snowball fight?" We Race to the hallway together quinning just as we always do When together.

Luke's  POV
Together with Reggie I race towards the hall gappling for my Coat and tugging on my winter boots grinning from ear to ear like a fool.I can't help it when I'm around Reg I'm always Smiling, his grin is so infectious like drinking liquid Sunshine. But we're best friends- and it's nothing more than that - is it? We Rush out into the white blanketed Pavements, Preparing our Snowy Artillerary . The Wooshing sound of an Object flying through the air greets my ears all to late, as the bitting cold of a snowball hits my back sending Shivers down my Spine."On Your on" I reply Smugness evident in my tone as I launch three white Orbs into the air, the first Swerving past the rosy cheeked, raven haired boy of my dreams - I mean in a totally best friend Sort of way. And yet I can't help but feel flustered every time I'm around him - is it wrong to have a tiny massive Crush on your best friend? I'm torn from my thoughts by the Crashing of cold, wet snow upon my chest an act of retribution from the grinning boy across from me.and With a way Smile I Set to work launching and doging the snow spheres whistling amongst the bitter wind.By the time we finished we both lay on the frosty floor any energy Long since spent on a Scoreless snowball fight.I See Reg flutter his arms and legs with the scant remnants of energy he may Poseses forming a delicate snow angel in his wake,a copy of his beautiful body etched in the remaining Snowfall.

Reggie's POV
Covered in Powdery white Micro- scopic flakes of frost, the and luke emerge into the warmth of my Second home.I remove the heavy winter wear hanging it up before racing off after luke who had already made it to the lounge. "Ssss..ssooo...oooo ccc c...ooolllldd..." I say through chattering teeth my entire body quaking from the chill that still has a hold of my body from my little ... excursion outside with luke . "Do you want me to warm it up ?" Luke says with a wink and a smirk . For a minute I stand there confused before realising he probably meant for us to sit by the fire place or hug like bro's ... my thoughts trail off as I externally sigh, thoughts and feelings stewing throughout my brain, so when a familiar presence approach me I don't take notice until a pair a soft symmetrical lips lock onto mine ... let's just say that it was an ... unexpected occurrence that I didn't Object to and still don't, but what happened next well  ... I'll leave that to your imagination...

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