Dear hybe (first of all, fuck you)

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If Jungkook thought his Oscar-worthy performance would get him the same treatment it got Yoongi, he was wrong. As he usually is.

Instead of getting you to climb on top of him and to protect him from the very not scary movie, his wailing just made you suggest changing the movie into something else and so, instead of watching a great movie with his crush holding his hand, all Jungkook got was Jin-hyung's feet on top of him while Daddy's Day Care played on the background, harmonizing with the giggles and whispers you shared with Yoongi on the other couch.

Suffice to say, if looks could kill, Yoongi would be seven-feet under as the boys danced to Gee on top of his grave: Listen, boy, your last love story.

That went on for the next few movies, all comedies, which you seemed to enjoy. You kept adding whispered comments that made it all even funnier and even the boys who loved absolute silence when watching anything appreciated your pertinent little quips.

And too soon, way before Jungkook had the chance to truly dazzle you, it was late and you and Sam had to go. You both stood up, making plans to stop by Hybe the next to start brainstorming ideas for the collab, and started packing your now empty tupperware, promising Jin you would teach him to make Brigadeiro.

Before anyone could get in his way, Jungkook threw his hyung's feet with enough force to knock him off the couch and stood as well, volunteering to walk you to the door. Sam went ahead, throwing a knowing look his way and leaving to get the car while you waited.

"Thank you again for having us." you said, leaning on the door frame. You looked a bit tired and for a second Jungkook considered asking you to stay "I just wished you guys told me you didn't like horror movies, I feel kinda bad"

Junkook's left eye twitched.

"Yeah, we should've said something" he agreed awkwardly "Guess we just didn't wanna look bad"

"Don't worry, your screams were nothing if not super manly and heroic" you smirked and he groaned.

"A momentary lapse of weakness, that was" he justified, embarrassed but still glad she felt comfortable enough to make fun of him.

"Momentary, huh?"

"Definitely won't happen again." Jungkook actually shouldn't make that sort of promise, considering that him acting like a fool in front of you seemed to be a recurring event.

"I'll make sure to watch closely then" your direct eye contact was disarming. You were very good at it, keeping you stare laser-focused, probably being able to see his soul through his pupil.

"Okay" he squeaked and you laughed.

"Goodnight, Jungkook" you said before walking away to where Sam waited, leaving him stuck in the same place and position. You were long gone when he finally managed to say "Goodnight"

People usually didn't believe it when they said it, but Hoseok's personality was deceiving.

Sure, he was funny, cheerful and kind, with a knack for organizing that none of the other's seemed to have with the same intensity. He took care of his loved ones, sometimes before he even took care of himself, and always tried to make sure the people he surrounded himself with were happy and satisfied.

But sometimes, Hoseok was nothing but a little bitch.

Ever so often, Hoseok would have these little spurts of possessiveness and cunning that would manifest in harmless yet highly annoying ways. Some days he would hide the cookies in the broom closet, knowing none of the others ever went there. Other days he would switch the video game controllers and not tell anyone, guaranteeing his victory.

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