The Bite

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You lounged by the riverside, staring up at the sky as the cool breeze caressed your cheek on its way by. You felt cleaner than you had in months, having washed yourself quickly in the running water. You had scrubbed your skin almost raw and although it had stung a little, it was worth every moment of discomfort to feel like a human being again.

It'd only been two days since you had joined your new group but your mood had improved drastically. Being able to get some real sleep felt like a dream come true. On your first night with them, they avoided telling you they rotated sleep schedules and allowed you to sleep peacefully through the night for the first time in weeks. That simple gesture made you feel sure that you had made the right decision.

You did still feel alienated from the group though. Past introductions on the first evening, you hadn't talked much with them besides polite chit-chat. They clearly had a strong history both from before and after the dead started walking. It was clearly visible through their silent stares and glances that communicated more than words possibly could. You couldn't help but feel jealous. Anybody that you had known for that long was dead.

You felt a presence behind you and you turned to see Rebecca settling herself next to you as best she could. She had been sitting over with the others while Pete, Luke and Alvin had gone hunting. You raised your eyebrows as she sat, wondering what she could possibly want from you. She hadn't said anything to you since your initial tension but you had noticed her sending short glances your way.

"Look, I don't normally do this but I'd like to apologise."

You blinked in surprise. That had been the last thing you expected. You tried to hide your shock and simply gave her a small nod, gesturing for her to continue.

"I know I wasn't the nicest to you when we first met. And I understand why that'd be confusing, considering how you saved us," Rebecca rubbed her stomach thoughtlessly as she spoke, "The group we left... Well, we didn't leave with their permission. I saw you and I assumed the worst. I know that's not fair but in the heat of the moment I-" she cut herself off and sighed.

"Rebecca," you started softly, "it's really fine."

"No. I've never made excuses. That's not who I am. I take responsibility for what I've done wrong. That's how I was raised and it's how I'm gonna raise my baby. I am sorry and I'd like for us to try being friends. If you want."

You smiled at her. "I'd really like that."

She returned your smile. "Good. Now, stop sitting by yourself and come on and sit over with us. Give me a hand up, would you?"

You hoisted Rebecca up and together you strolled towards the main group. Ellie, Nick's mother waved in greeting as you both sat down. She had been one of the most welcoming members of the group and you appreciated her gentle and kind nature.

Next to you in the circle was Marshall, the sickly older man who had been laying down when the Walkers had been attacking. Carlos, the doctor tended to him each night and sometimes you could hear him groaning in pain. Marshall's eyebrows were constantly furrowed in pain and you hadn't heard him say more than two words to anyone but Ellie. You assumed he had some medical condition that couldn't be properly treated in the current state the world was in, and you felt extremely sorry for him.

"Y/N! Y/N! Do you want to help me make a flower crown?"

Sarah, Carlos' daughter was gazing at you excitedly. Nick, sitting next to her, rolled his eyes in irritation. You weren't exactly sure what her problem was but Carlos had pulled you aside the first night to talk to you about her.

"Sarah...she isn't like other children her age."

"What do you mean?" you had asked him curiously.

"She isn't built to live in a world like this. She needs routine and safety. It is not good for her to dwell on the way the world is. I would ask that you help shield her from it."

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