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Cleaning the house had been a heavy task even split between all of you. Once upon a time, spending almost a whole day cleaning would've been your idea of hell. However, now you found yourself relishing the peace as you dutifully wiped away years of dust.

When you were all finished, you enjoyed a meal of cooked rabbit by the fireplace that Pete had spent the day fiddling with. The atmosphere was warm and comfortable as you all reclined on a sofa or an armchair. You couldn't remember the last time you had felt so relaxed and comfortable.

It almost felt like you had a home again.

While she had been cleaning a little room beneath the stairs, Sarah had found a box full of board games and cards.  You had fought your way valiantly through two heated games of Monopoly but Alvin demolished each of you without breaking a sweat. When Rebecca ended up flipping the board and everything on it after landing on Alvin's property for the third turn in a row, you all agreed that was enough Monopoly for one night.

While Carlos went with Sarah upstairs to get her settled in her new room and Marshall took himself to bed, you tidied away the board and game pieces before settling yourself back into the comfort of your armchair. Across from you on the other armchair, Pete whipped out a deck of cards and looked challengingly at Luke.

"Fancy a game of poker, Luke?"

Luke groaned as Nick and Alvin laughed at his facial expression. Rebecca sighed and moved to sit on the sofa nearest to you.  You watched with interest as Luke and Pete sat across from each other, with everyone except you and Rebecca crowding around them.

"Not a poker fan?" you asked Rebecca with a small smile.

"Is it that obvious?" she chuckled, stretching out. "They play whenever they get the chance and Pete always wins. I don't feel like watching Luke get his ass kicked for the hundredth time."

"Hey!" Luke exclaimed, glancing over in mock offence.

"You can't deny the truth, Luke," Ellie teased.

Luke shook his head fondly, looking up when Nick began to deal the cards. The group became absorbed in the game and you turned your attention to Rebecca. She was staring with a small smile at Alvin as he watched the game with interest.

"You really love him, huh?" you remarked as you noticed her expression.

Rebecca's smile became slightly strained but she nodded. "I really do. I don't tell him that enough," she sighed. "We've been together so long now. I guess I take that for granted sometimes."

You nodded your understanding. "It's an easy thing to do."

"Even after everything?" she asked, as if looking for reassurance.

"Even after everything." you confirmed.

A comfortable silence hung between you for a moment.

"Did you have anyone, maybe from your old group?" she questioned tentatively, watching your expression with worry.

You waved your hand, dismissing her concern. "I mean, I've been in relationships before, just... nobody of note, I guess. And I've tried to avoid all that for the last few years. I tend to move around a lot, no point getting attached."

Rebecca looked at you thoughtfully, "Doesn't that get lonely?"

You shrugged, "It keeps me alive."

"You planning on leaving us anytime soon? I'd prefer to know now before I start liking you."

You placed your hand on your heart with a small pout. "You don't like me yet?"

"Answer the damn question." she laughed, playfully pushing you over.

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