BACKGROUND STORY; Delilah Lynn Parker

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Delilah also known as, Lilah, was very privileged in her first 5 years of life. Once her mom and dad got divorced, because her mother, Karla, cheated on her father, Gared. Lilah and her father moved away to Atlanta, Georgia. She would have stayed with her mom, but she was a very heavy alcoholic, another reason her father left her mom.

Lilah played three different sports. Baseball, Vollyball, and cheer. Her All time favorite sport was, baseball. She played on her school team and a normal one.. well until "it" happened.

Lilah used to play every single day. She had started playing as soon as possible, because her dad coaches a team. She started playing at about 4, being able to catch a ball, from a short distance of course. But once she switched teams she was bullied by the boys saying "you're a girl, girls can't play baseball." "Baseball is for BOYS only." They continued to call her mean things, till she quit the team. She wants to play again. But she can't handle getting bullied again. She has been thinking about joining a team for a few weeks now.

She also played vollyball, she plays on one of her friends Lana's team. She's played since she was 9 years old (she's 15 now) and she never even thought to quit. She is best at setter, mainly because she a very good communicator. She's always been good at everything but her main position is setter.

Her third sport she played was cheer. She only played for the school, even though she's thought about joining a real team. She's really good at it too, she in surprisingly flexible. She played with her best friends Lana and Vanessa. They've played for their school team since 8th grade. Since we're going to be sophomores next year they plan on playing till they graduate.

Delilah has always been an amazing singer. Her voice was said to be soft, and angelic. She played in talent shows, and she got a few gigs at restaurants, and helped write a few songs for smaller artists. She hasn't sang at many places or shows. She's obviously sang in front of her dad and friends and they think she is absolutely incredible.

Her family was known for her father, Gared Parker, or Coach Parker. He was one of the most famous baseball coaches in their town. He coaches a very popular major league team, because all the boys on it are 'cute' and she doesn't disagree. (😏😏) Her mom is Karla Parker..well was, her maiden name is Johnston. Her she was quite the alcoholic, and most the time Lilah saw her she was drinking, or just gone. And of course she loved her mom to fucking death. But, when you live with someone who just...leaves for weeks at time, you start to loose hope. Once her parents got divorced, officially when she was 6, she moved with her dad. They were so close. And she loved him so much. He worked a lot but it was okay because he still had managed to find tons of time for her.

Delilah's best friends EVER were Lana and Vanessa. They had known each other since 4th grade. She was closer with Nessa (Vanessa) because in 8th grade Lana found a few new friends. But they still hug out all the time! Vanessa was pansexual, and Lilah was bisexual, so they jokingly hit on each other. They were inseparable...
Well almost.

Lilah had never had a boyfriend before, yes she has had crushes. But she had never really found the one. She was hoping that sophomore year she would.. and maybe she will. She had a HUGE crush on Landon Jacobs in the 7th grade. He played basketball and was super popular. But not so much anymore. She doesn't find him very attractive anymore, plus he's blonde. Lana tried to set her up with a few other boys. But they were all dicks.

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