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My mother once told me that love was the base of the world. To be extra vigilant and patient while looking for that person that makes your heartbeat like there was no tomorrow. How love is the key to a new world and the solution to every problem in your life. It's funny how does words turn into nothing, when you are a single 25-year-old, jobless women and living with your older brother.

Yep, that's me, poor Lily who was fired from her old job, because they had nothing better to do than to cut people out.

"Lily get your ass up! Krypto needs to go out for a walk!"

"Five more minutes mom!"

"Get your ass up now! And don't call me mom!"

"Ugh, fine"

I yawn as I get up from bed and pull my curls into a lazy bun and walk out of my room. I slowly make my way to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Once out of the shower I clean the steam from the mirror and rub my eyes as I look at my reflection. My light brown curls are still in a messy bun, my dark brown eyes shine but not as much as they used. I brush my teeth and get dressed. I make my way to the kitchen of my brother's apartment and slump into one of his table's stools.

"Finally, you are up" Jonathan exhaled as he finishes making his breakfast.

"Krypto needs a walk" Jonathan says as he makes eye contact with me, and cringes at my face. "On second thought, it seems you need it more than him" he says, and I roll my eyes.

"Thanks, big bro" I say with a groan

"I'm being honest and serious Lily; you need to get back on your own two feet" He starts talking but I tone him out. I walk into the kitchen, past him and open the fridge to look for something to munch on.

"Are you even listen to me?" He asked as he closed the fridges door on my face.

"What do you want from me, Nate?" I whined with a roll of my eyes.

"For starters take Krypto out for a walk, and second I got my best friend to give you a shot at his company as his secretary" Jonathan says as he crosses his arms around his chest, his dark brown eyes looking at me intensely.

"Wait, what?" I say in utter shock, and I blink a few times to make sure this is not an imaginary conversation. I might not be a jobless loser after all!

"Close your mouth" Jonathan says with a roll of his eyes

"Forget that what best friend?" I asked. "Funny I thought you didn't have any, you know being your stuck-up self" I say with a cheeky smile, and he flipped me off.

Jonathan drags his hand around his blonde hair, and he is also scratching his beard. I'm clearly stressing him out. Jonathan is a 28-year-old, working as a doctor at Saint Lucas Hospital. Has a lovely girlfriend named Cassie, who I'm sure he is going to marry in the near future.

He is also crazy smart, and the best brother I could ask for. He took me in once mom and dad kicked me out of the house when I was 19, because I didn't want to a lawyer. Ever since then I had been working as a waitress and painting in my free time. Jonathan never asked for much, except for now.

"I have friends for your information, and you don't know him, we became friends in college, and he left to expand his company once we graduated" he said with a shrug. "Be at the D'Angelo company by 10:00 and don't be late. He cannot stand people that are late"

"D'Angelo, that's like one of the biggest companies in the world" I say with my moth wide open

"Aha, shit I'm going to be late! Be punctual and behave, love you, bye!" Jonathan says as he plants a kiss on my head and sprints out the door, and it's just now that I noticed he was dressed in his doctor's coat ready for work.

With a sigh, I left the kitchen and into my room to get ready to take Krypto out for a walk.

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