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warning: mentions of drugs & alcohol use and throwing up

IT WAS ONLY A MONTH AGO, that the two young and reckless teens watched the sun slowly set over the beach

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IT WAS ONLY A MONTH AGO, that the two young and reckless teens watched the sun slowly set over the beach. Only one month since the two drank, smoked, and danced the night away, letting their laughter travel across the land and wrap around the corners.

In those four weeks, not much had changed, not enough to report at least. Luna and JJ continued to hang out, flirting, smoking, and drinking Luna's mother out of house and home. They continued to follow their friends on whatever adventure the day held, having fun all day, every day.

As time went on, Luna had found herself enjoying these days less and less. She seemed to get tired faster, which made spending the day in the sun a whole lot harder. For the first time in her life, she got seasick, and the thought of seafood was so revolting she'd gag. Luna would become overstimulated, the sun was too bright, the seats on the boat were too seat-like, the doorknob looked too much like a doorknob, and everything seemed to be too much. The only time she would find solace was when she laid her head in JJ's lap while he ran his fingers through her hair.

It was the beginning of July when Luna caught a fever. Her mother figured the last few weeks had been from exhaustion and dehydration, which led to her catching a cold. Every morning and afternoon, Eloise would find her daughter throwing up any food she consumed that day. It didn't matter what it was, a burger or tea, whatever went down came right back up.

Eloise knew her daughter, and she knew how her daughter behaved. Those clandestine activities weren't exactly clandestine to Eloise. So after going through a list of Luna's symptoms, and a mental list of possible diagnoses, she headed down towards town. Eloise Collins casually walked into the drugstore and grabbed what she needed, and multiple kinds of it. Some were expensive. Some cheap. She even grabbed multiple brands, it's not like they couldn't afford it.

Eloise held no care for the dirty looks around her and held her head high and she marched up to the cash register. She placed all six items down on the counter, yes six, as once again she knows her daughter. To make the purchase even better, she used the card that was connected to her husband's money, after all this would be his worst nightmare.

Still holding her head high, Eloise grabbed all six pregnancy tests and made her way back into figure 8, where she spent the next two hours trying to convince her daughter to take just one test.

Her mother was crazy. Luna was absolutely sure of it. Pregnant? There was no way. Some people on the island snorted coke, but Luna? Luna snorted birth control, so there was zero chance of pregnancy. Well, maybe a .1 percentage but it was close enough. But, Eloise was nothing if not annoyingly persistent, so after an hour of her continuously commenting, "What's the harm?" Luna took the test just to shut her up. When Luna looked down at the two pink lines she insisted it was a false positive and demanded another one.

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