The Mentioning of the Pool Party

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~The Next Day~

You get up early at 4:00 and go to the bathroom to shower, and get ready for school, you brush your teeth, comb your hair, and get dressed and walk out to the TV but you don't turn it on, you just sit on the couch and stare at your phone, as you look through YouTube you notice that DAGames has uploaded a video so you click on it, only to see that it was a Rick roll

"You got me good there" you said to yourself as you turned your phone off only to notice that you can walk to the school and get there early, so you get up and walk out the house after you get your shoes on, and start to walk to the school since your friend's house is at least 45-50 minutes away from the school

As you get to the school you get a message from your friend saying:


Bsf/n:Answer Me

Bsf/n:Your Worrying all of us at the house, where are you

Bsf/n:Don't ignore me, WHERE ARE YOU AT!!

And with that you don't answer you leave them unread, and continue walking, thinking if you should text back, but you don't either way

~Back at the house~

Bsf/n wakes up to look around only to see your not there, so they get up and look through the entire house not finding you, getting worried they go into the room and wake everyone up explaining what is going on

"Why don't you text her" Charlie says to Bsf/n

"Good idea" they say as they grab their phone and text you


~5 minutes~

No reply

Sent again

~5 minutes~

Still no reply

"Ugh, their not answering" Bsf/n says getting slightly worried

Charlie looks at them worried, "do you think their in the house yet?"

"No, I checked the entire house already, and nothing" Your bestie says as she texts you again


~5 minutes~

No Reply...

Sent Again

~5 minutes~

No Reply Again....

By this time Bsf/n is starting to get into tears as she tries one more time, but gets no reply

"It's no use, they aren't replying to me" They say very upset...

"Well all we can do is get ready and hope she is at school" Charlie says

"Yeah" Bsf/n says as they get ready

~Later at lunch~

"I don't see them Charlie" Bsf/n says feeling kinda bummed out

Charlie looks around, but then his eyes land on you, "There they are!" He says

They walk over and sit by you, but you don't notice so Bsf/n taps your shoulder causing you to get startled and jump

"Oh, I didn't see you there, sorry" you say nervously

"Where were you this morning, I texted you multiple times and you never replied!" Your friend says

"I was walking to the school" you say looking back down at your phone

"Ok, well Charlie here is Having a Pool party on Saturday, and it would be nice if you could go?" Bsf/n says looking at you waiting for a response

"I'll think about it" you say as you get up and leave the lunch room...

Well I think that will be all for this chapter, I had a little bit of Writers Block as I was writing this, but I hope you like it, and as always have a great day and I'll see you in the next part!

(Also update, I'll only be posting one part every day so I don't have my mind overflowing with things I have to do for the day, so I hope you enjoy and see you later)

(623 words)

The Pool Party (CG5 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now