Alternate Ending #2 pt. 3

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~time skip to the weekend~

You wake up to your alarm going off at 11 AM, you get up out of bed and get ready for the day, having your Cg5 shirt, and jeans on

"Ugh I'm still tired" You say to yourself in the mirror as you brush your hair and get finished

You finally finish getting ready, and by that time it is 11:39 AM so you make the decision to eat something before going on a walk

"Well I chose to not go hopefully it doesn't ruin anything, I just don't want to go with how bad I am at swimming, but I might just stop by Charlie's house to say hi" you said as you continue walking and get to Charlie's house before you knew it

"Ugh... The music is hurting my ears again" you knock on the door and see that Bsf/n opens it

"Oh, why are you here, I thought you weren't coming??" Bsf/n says looking at you for a bit

"Yeah, I know, but I just thought that maybe stopping by wouldn't be the worst thing to do"

"Ok?" Bsf/n says as she lets you in for a bit and you talk with her

"Can you get Charlie, I wanted to say hi to him as well before I go"

"Ok I'll get him, but do you have to leave this fast, you only came for 5 minutes" They ask looking at you

"I know but I'm just really busy right now, and I couldn't do much of this cause I have a lot to do at my house"

"Ok, I'll get him, hold on" Bsf/n says as she leaves

~With Charlie~

I'm out at the pool just sitting when all of a sudden Bsf/n comes out and asks me to come in for a minute

"What's going on" I say as I walk in to see Y/n sitting on the couch

"They wanted to say hi to you before they have to leave, and well they are gonna leave soon" Bsf/n says looking a Charlie

Charlie goes up to you and places a hand on your shoulder

"Hey Y/n didn't expect you here, but anyway, how are you" Charlie gives off on of his special smiles

"I'm ok, just very tired, and very busy today I have to go home soon so I can finish a lot of my work for different things." You say as you start to get tired

"Do you wanna take a nap here or something, Because you look really tired right now" Charlie says looking at you

You giggle a bit, as you smile you nod your head as you lay down a bit, only to fall asleep fast, and forget about stuff

"Let's go back out and let her rest ok Bsf/n" Charlie gets up and so does Bsf/n and they both go out leaving you to rest

~time skip to 7:00 pm~

You finally wake up only to see that it's night time already, you start to get up but fall, and you alert Charlie who is right next to you

"Are you ok" He says very concerned as he looks at you to see if your hurt

"I'm ok, just freaking out by the time" you say as you stand up and grab your bag, but you put your bag down and look at Charlie

"You know what I'll stay for the night so I can hang out with you yet" you say

~time skip because I'm lazy and it is 12:11 in the morning as I do this~

You got to eat, and you told your mom you will be home tomorrow, and you sing some songs with Charlie

"Hey Y/n..?" Charlie says as he turns to you

"Yes Charlie" you turn only to see him close to you

"Why did you say that you weren't gonna come to the party"he asks

"Uhm... Because I can't swim, and I didn't wanna have any problems, plus I have a bit of a crush on you, but it's nothing big" you only say that to realize that Charlie is smiling at you and comes closer hugging you

"You should know that I had a crush on you when I saw you in the hallway, I thought you were very calm, nice, and very beautiful, and I thought maybe it was my mind messing with me, so I ignored it for a bit, but as I continued to hang out with you, that feeling grew, and now I know that your the one I need" he says

You look at him and smile "so, do you wanna be my boyfriend?" You look at him a bit nervous about saying this but you feel better as you see Charlie smile as he responds to your question,"yes, I would love to"

You feel better about yourself as you finally finish your day and go to bed.

Ok I hope you enjoyed this ending, it took forever, and I really like how it came out, so if you enjoyed please let me know in the comments or please consider voting on the book it really helps me with figuring out what you like and what you don't like, but I hope you stay tuned for when I post a new book, and I'll see you in the next book, bye guys!!

(943 words, and this is the end, I feel like this story came out as trash, but it was really fun to write and read, so thank you for taking the time to read this)

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