Chapter 12

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The meal was some of the best Jamie had ever had. Part of him felt bad about the bill, but Noah told him not to sweat it. Despite how rich he was, Noah seemed like he cared about how much he spent. Except when it came to his bike. 

"So, I guess we head back to the center?" Sarah asked.

Noah had a look on his face that suggested he didn't want this to end, but he wouldn't admit it. "Unless you guys want to do something else?" Jamie said. He saw Noah's eyes light up a little.

"If you guys want, I don't have anything else to do," Noah shrugged. 

Even Sarah was surprised. "Careful, Jamie. I might start getting the sense that you like us."

For some reason, Jamie was starting to open up more and more to them. He didn't understand why. He'd only known them for a few hours, but he felt like he'd known them for a while. "Is this what it's like to open up to people?" Jamie thought. "You guys are okay." He was two seconds away from buckling his seat belt when his phone buzzed. "Hello?"

"Dude! Where are you? I thought you were gonna hit me up when you got out of that support group thing?" Nigel asked. 

"I tried to call you, but you didn't answer," Jamie said. "Why are you mad at me?"

"I'm...not mad. I just thought we could hang out. So, where are you?"

He didn't know why but Jamie didn't want to tell Nigel he was with Noah and Sarah. "I went to go get something to eat."

Nigel scoffed. "Without me? Rude."

"Oh, who is that, J? Girlfriend troubles?" Noah teased.

"Who's that?" Nigel asked. Jamie hated how good Nigel's hearing was. It's not like Noah was exactly quiet. 

"Noah, shut up!" Sarah said, pushing him.

Jamie rolled his eyes. "Listen, I'll catch up with you later."

Nigel was quiet for a second before saying, "Okay." Then disconnecting. He'd never heard Nigel so irritated before. He chalked it up to him just being in a mood and left it at that. 

"Everything alright?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. So, where too?"

"Up for a movie?" Sarah asked.

"If it's a movie you want, then I shall provide," Noah said, punching in an address into the GPS. "Follow the yellow brick road, Sar."

"What?" She asked.

"Just drive. Where going to my place. Why pay for a movie when we can watch one for free? I got a lot back at my place, and it's not too far. Oakwood Estates."

Jamie's eyes widened. "That super-rich neighborhood? Isn't it like heavily guarded?"

Noah laughed. "It's not Fort Knox, J. It's just security. Moved there after what happened." He held up a silver key card. "Just have to flash this, and we should be good."

Sarah nodded and drove to Oakwood. Jamie watched as the small houses turned into mini-mansions, and they hadn't even reached Oakwood yet. The giant black gate was the start of Oakwood. Large green hedges covered most of the fence, so you couldn't see the inside without going through the security gate. Jamie could see the disapproving look on the guard's face as Sarah's car approached. "Can I help you, folks?"

Noah leaned over and handed him his card. "Hey, Mike. Just invitin' some friends over."

The guard's face completely changed. "Mr. Carr. I'm sorry I didn't see you. You kids have fun." He hurried back to his booth and opened the gate. Sarah drove forward and down the street to Noah's house. 

"Sorry, Mr. Carr. Don't get mad, Mr. Carr," Sarah mocked. 

Noah waved her off. "Stop that. It's annoying. But, he is like that."

"How can you stand that much ass-kissing?" She asked.

"It helps that I'm wearing my bike helmet when I come through. I barely hear him. He means well, but he can be an asshole. All the guards can, but they are doing their job, so I can't be too mad," Noah said. "It's this one on the right." Noah's house was tucked behind a brick wall with vines cascading down the front. The outside of his house was cobblestone with a brick driveway. A large garage with a wooden door started to open when they approached. Noah yawned and got out of the car. Jamie and Sarah followed behind him.

"You live here by yourself?" Jamie asked.

"Nope, I have Niko to keep me company." Noah opened the door, and a giant golden retriever rush towards him. Noah whiffled his face as the job jumped on him. "Hey, Niko. Keepin' the place safe?"

"He's so cute!" Sarah said, petting Niko, who was very happy his owner was back.

Jamie placed one hand on Niko's back and another on the side of his face. Instantly, Niko calmed down and shook his tall. "How the hell did you do that?" Noah asked in amazement. "It takes me an hour to get him to calm down."

  "My mom owns a vet clinic. I help with the dogs," Jamie said as he felt instantly calmer. He loved dogs, and they loved him. "He just missed you. That's all."

Noah gave him an impressed nod invited them inside. 

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