Chapter 16

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"Finishing touch," Sarah grinned as she put a spiky choker around Jamie's neck. "Ah, perfect. Now you're ready to disappoint your mom."

Jamie hesitantly looked at himself in the mirror and gasped. "I look like a Green Day groupie."

Sarah came up being him and smiled. "Embrace the goth, Jamie. Feel the corruption all around you. Bwahaha."

"Oh, yeah, I feel the rebellion rising in me. Someone stop me before I get the urge to get my nose pierced."

Sarah picked up a piercing gun. "We do that, you know."

Nigel raised his hand. "Yes, please."

Jamie looked at him like he was going to kill him. "Absolutely not." He grabbed a cloth and wiped five layers of make-up off his face. "How do you do this every day?"

"Same way you do. I get up, get dressed, and move on with my day," Sarah winked. She took a quick picture of him and laughed. "That's your new caller id picture."

"Mind sending that to me?" Nigel asked.

Jamie gave him another death glare and finished getting the make-up off his face. He removed the choker and started feeling like himself again. "I'll literally never talk to you again. Either of you."

Nigel smiled. "Yes, you will." He looked at his phone and showed it to Jamie. "Looks like you're up and running. Also, call your ma. She's blowin' me up."

Jamie looked at his phone and noticed he had missed ten calls from his mom. Holding his phone slightly away from his ear. "Hel--"

"Boy, where are you?! You and Nigel disappeared. Get you're butt back here right now!" She disconnected the line before he could say anything. He shyly looked over to Sarah and sighed. "We got to go."

"I get it. If you guys wanna come by, feel free. But you may have to buy something next time." She opened the door and led them to the loading door. They walked out and were surprised she was following. "What?"

"Don't you have a job?" Jamie asked.

"My lunch break just started," She smiled. "See you later, Jamie." 

"Later." Jamie watched her get into her car and drive off. "She's not going back, is she?"

"Doesn't seem like it. I kind of like her." Nigel got into the passenger side and shut the door. Jamie smiled to himself. Despite the make-up and mocking, he had a good time. Almost forgetting about his freak out. He slid into the driver's seat and drove back home. 

Jamie started laughing at a terrible joke Nigel said when all the joy was taken away as his mother's angry face started coming into view as he pulled into their driveway. Forget serial killers; he hoped he would survive this. He turned to see Nigel about to book it and grabbed his arm. "Oh hell no, you're staying here."

"No way, man. I already get enough of that home. You're on your own." Nigel gave Denise a wave then hurried down the street.

"Some friend you are!" Jamie shouted. His eyes went back to his angry mother standing at the door. She pointed to him than the house and walked inside. He got out of the car and slowly made his way inside. "Ma."

"Don't "Ma" me! You could've let me know you left. I kept calling you. When I couldn't get you, I tired Nigel. Neither of you was answering. I mean, christ, Jamie! I thought something happened!" Denise didn't care that the tears flowed down her face. She was angry, and Jamie planned to let her let all out. "I almost lost you once!"

Jamie stepped closer to her. "I'm still here. I should've called you back. I should've let you know I was leaving. I'm sorry. A friend wanted us to come by, and I got a little excited." With every step, he felt his heartbreaking. He knew she wasn't overreacting. He wished she was. "Ma, I'm okay. See?" He took her hands into his and put them up to his face. "I'm okay."

Denise cried as she wrapped her arms around him. "Don't you ever not pick up your phone again. You hear me?"

"I'll pick up. I promise. I'm sorry."

Denise wiped her face and looked him in the eyes. He never noticed how small she seemed compared to him. She's always said the same thing when he was in trouble. "You're never too old for me to spank you. I got half a mind to."

"I know, Ma." He let her go, and she walked into the kitchen. "This "friend" is she nice?"

"How did you know it was a girl?"

"Boys do dumb stuff when it comes to women. You remember what happens when you make a woman angry."

Jamie grinned. "Not even God can save me from a woman's wrath."

"And don't you forget it. Now, wash up and get ready for dinner." Denise leaned out from behind the kitchen wall. "I want to hear about your new friend."

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