Chapter 2

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The morning sun was shining through my room as I packed my bag. John had told me in the evening to not draw again today. But he certainly couldn't say anything against the fact that I wanted to go and buy things we needed. So I hid paintbrushes and pencils between the shopping list and money in my bag. My plan was to run as fast as possible to docs, then I had about ten minutes for a small sketch, After that I could do the errands and paint a little in the store while I talked to Valentina. After all, my brother could hardly object if I talked to another woman and was therefore a little late. Convinced of my plan, I ran to the apartment door and quickly said goodbye to my brother. I almost jumped down the stairs to the next floor. Hopefully the neighbor Mrs Murphy wouldn't stop me. She was always interested in the latest gossip from the block. Several times she had asked me if Tommy and I were going to get married soon. Why did everyone think I wanted to?
It wasn't a long way to docs. I had been going there since I was a little girl, most times to look at the colorful candy. Once or twice valetina had given me a little chocolate. I had been overjoyed. Since her husband had died a while ago, I went at least once a week. Even if I had nothing to get from the shop. I just loved the little store and its cheerful owner. But my father had forbidden me to visit the store that often. "Too many bad young guys are going there " he had said. So i didnt visit Valentina regularly and if  i was then only in the mornings. My father had said that it was the only time I should be out and about in the neighborhood, since the Jets were probably not up at that time of day yet.
I only had a few minutes to unpack my things. I sat down on a bench across from docs and started drawing. Quick strokes on the bright paper. It took only a few moments for the outline of the building. Then I got down to the details. The windows, the small display and the sign that hung above the door. The next time I looked up, I saw him. I thought I was wrong, but in front of the store stood the young man from the train and argued with Valentina.
"Hey, come on, just two minutes. I really need to talk to Tony.
Could it really be him? And what was he doing here? Why was he arguing with Valentina?
Too many thoughts were in my head at once. This time I was not interrupted. I couldn't help it and started drawing what was in front of me. More importantly I started to draw him. His lean body, his paint-stained hands, his long fingers holding a cigarette. The brown tousled hair, the cheeky grin and those beautiful eyes. Everything was suddenly in front of me on the paper. Too big was the fear to forget him again.
"Fuck come on. I swear I won't steal anything."
"Well, maybe not this time. You've always stolen from me boy, don't think I'll let a criminal like you in my store again." Valentina's voice grew louder. It seemed to be very important to her, she was not someone who just raised her voice. But instead of worrying about Valentina, my thoughts were only filled with the man in front of me. She knew him, and that must mean she probably knew a name to that face. How much I would like to know his name. How much I would like to look at him from close up.
„Y/N "All at once I was torn from my thoughts. I had forgotten what my real goal was. I was running out of time.
"Y/N, sweetheart how nice to see you. Come on in. You don't have to be afraid of him anymore, I successfully chased him away. Come here and sit with me." she pointed at the chair by the window. "I haven't seen you for so long. How can I help you?
I gave her my list. She went right out and started looking on the shelves.
I bit my lower lip. Should I ask her? But she shouldn't think i was interested at all, otherwise it could lead to big problems. Besides, she had called him a criminal. That wasn't exactly a positive description.
"Who was that?"

"What do you mean, child?"

" the young gentleman you had a fight with? What did he want?"
Before she could answer, I heard footsteps and then the door to the basement open. Tony was standing there. I didn't really know him, we had only spoken once or twice. He worked and lived with Valentina. I think she saw him as a son. He was tall. Most of the time he helped her with the heavy boxes from the warehouse or climbed up the ladders when something was needed from on top of the cupboards. Most of the time he looked a bit sad but still smiled friendly when he saw me in the store.
"Hey, what's this about? Who were you fighting with Valentina?" he looked worried at the woman in front of him, before giving her a kiss on the cheek to continue carrying boxes.

" your annoying friend was here again, asking for you"

"You mean Riff? I'm sorry he was here again. I told him you didn't want him here."

"If only he would listen. That boy is nothing but trouble."

Attentively I stood there and listened to the conversation. Riff? What kind of name was that? Somehow I had the feeling that I had heard this name before.

I looked at the clock above the door. It was already 10 minutes past the scheduled time. So I had only about 3 minutes to get back to the apartment in time. I had just spent too much time in front of the store. I paid and took the bag with my purchases from Valentina's hand. "Thank you very much. See you soon. I have to hurry or I'll be late. It gushed out of me before I heard the door close behind me. I ran to the next street corner and ran then in the fast step toward dwelling. No one should notice that I had run away.
Fortunately John was in a good mood. He didn't say anything else about me being late, even though I got a slightly annoyed look when I stumbled through the door. But thanks to the good weather, he seemed to forgive me.

In my room I had the first chance to remember what I had experienced. And quickly I disappeared into a daydream about the mysterious man to whom I finally had a name. I thought about how it would be to run through his hair or touch his hand. He had had paint on his hand. Maybe he liked to paint too, I thought dreamily.
Painting. Painting ! "Crap" more swear words wanted to burst out of me but I thankfully remembered that my brother was sitting in the room next to me.
I couldn't see my drawing anywhere. Maybe I had lost it while running home. Or even worse, maybe I had left it with Valentina. I could not believe it.
I had to think of something as soon as possible so that I could return to doc's store.

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