Chapter 3

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Desperate about what had happend to my painting, I sat on the fire escape and pondered. I had to find a plan as quickly as possible. Preferably one that could still work today. It was already afternoon. The sun was shining between the skyscrapers of the city. I saw mrs murphy lugging her groceries across the street, talking to the janitor of the building across the street. She was probably spreading the latest gossip she had heard at the market. I found myself thinking about Riff again. I had heard his name before - I was convinced of it by now. Maybe mrs Murphy had talked about him once. I thought about how she would spread gossip about me and Riff. I would much rather have that, than stories about me and Tommy of whether or not we were engaged.
Only now the stories about me and Riff were not even that improbable. I thought with horror that Mrs Murphy could have found my drawings. If that had happened, then I was as good as dead. My father would probably lock me up in our apartment for months and John would lock up my stuff, or worse, throw it away.
John couldn't stand it if I had feelings for a jet. Or any gang member. He's dreamed of seeing me and Tommy together for too long. Nothing could stop him. Sometimes I think about what I would do if women had the same rights as men. I wouldn't be here anymore. Maybe I would travel around the world, or wear pants. But these kind of thoughts were pointless.
I thought I had reached a new low point of the day, when suddenly I had an idea.
John really wanted me and Tommy to get together. That was for sure. So what if I just played along.

"Brother, I have a question. I know I've already been to docs once today. But is there any way I can go there again real quick? I'll be back in 15 minutes I promise."

" I don't think so. I don't like you spending so much time there. Those gang boys hang out there a lot. That's no place for a young lady like you."

" I know, I know John. But you know I've been thinking about it and...I'd like to ask Tommy out." i tried to sound as honest as possible. „ And he's coming to see you tonight. So I thought it would be nice if I got him his favorite chocolate from Valentina. He really likes it and I would love to have a present for him. He is always so generous to me. Please John."

"If that's the case, then thats fine with me. I'm glad you finally fancy him. I've always said you'd make a beautiful couple. But be back in time."
I really hoped he didnt notice my fake smile. The idea of me and Tommy as a couple was too horrible. Nevertheless, I could not help but rejoice. If I was lucky, the painting was still where I had lost it.

I walked through the noisy streets of new york. Past the paperboys on the street corner. A confident look on my face. A bag in one hand. The other one was nervously playing with the hem of my skirt. A habit since childhood. Father had always hated it. He said that my insecurity could be seen from miles away. Besides fidgeting was nothing what a young woman in my social rank did.

Fortunately for me, Valentina had not yet closed. Without thinking further, I went into the store. At first glance it was dark and no one was to be seen. But I heard voices coming from the basement. It had to be Tony and Valentina.
"They will be with me soon," I thought. I was overwhelmed that I was so lucky again. There was no one in the store, which meant I could search intensively for my picture. Without having to find a stupid excuse like "I dropped my pearl earrings" . This thought made me smile.
I went to the table where I had been sitting in the morning. This was the last time i Hand Seen my painting. But instead of my drawing, there was only a pack of cigarettes. The box was almost empty. Only one cigarette was still in it. Dark blue paint was stuck to the side of the box. I took it in my hand to have a better look. Even though my brother and father had the habit of smoking, I had never held such a pack in my hand before. My brother said it was not something suited for me. Just like alcohol.
I had always kept to the rules of the two men, but in this moment the feeling of curiosity overcame me for the first time. What would happen if I would not keep to these rules. But before I should continue to think about whether I should dare to smoke a cigarette or drink a sip from the gin bottle that stood on the top shelf of the kitchen, the door opened behind me. Without giving it much thought, I put the pack of cigarettes in my pocket.
Standing in front of me were Tony and...
Not Valentina. It was Tony and Riff. The two were still engaged in their conversation. Neither had noticed me.
"Come on Tony, it will be fun for you to dance again. And please let me know if you find out anything."
Nervously I started playing with the hem of my skirt again. I wanted to stare at the floor but instead I looked at him again. As if we were the only two people on this planet. He had a beautiful laugh. One of those laughs you always want to hear. His whole face was beaming.
He turned his head a little to the side. With his left hand, unnoticed by Tony, he reached into the bowl next to him.
"Would he look at me? Would he know it was me who had drawn him like a madwoman in front of the store. Maybe he'd say something to me..."
The thoughts just bubbled in my head. I had the feeling of completely losing my mind. I didn't even know this young man! What was i thinking?!

„Yeah, we'll see. And hey, Riff! Don't steal milkyways again." Tony tried to take the candy out of Riff's hand. But Riff was faster, he turned around and ran past me without giving me a glance. I didn't realize what had happened until the door had closed behind him and Tony had said my name out loud several times.

The rest of the day felt numb. I bought the chocolate for Tommy and asked Tony as uninterested and normal as I could about the drawing. But Tony just gave me a knowing look and told me to ask Valentina about the drawing. Tony definitely knew more than he wanted to say. He had probably found the drawing himself. Normally I would be freaking out now. Or start asking Tony about every detail he knew.  But the disappointment that Riff hadn't even noticed me, had already triggered a different feeling.

Lost in my thoughts, I walked home. I hadn't been feeling this low in a long time. Now I had to go on this stupid date with Tommy. And my excuse was pointless. With my head down I walked along the street. Not knowing that on the other side, across from docs, an excited young man was walking up and down the road. In the small pocket of his ripped shirt, was a carefully folded sheet of paper.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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