An Encounter

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Heyyyy It's me again! You know, Dream? Yup! That's me! Okay, quick recap, I'm Dream, and this is my story of how I saved the SMP. I just escaped prison, after being in the prison for a year. Anyways, back to the story.

I walked along the prime path and took in the scenery. Some new builds, some old and covered in moss and vines. I only get a day out of prison once every year, and I haven't had my day out yet, so I was quite enjoying this short walk. I walked along L'Manburg. Or, what's left of it. I looked down at the huge crater that remained. I saw Tommy standing at the bottom. He was holding glass, but he never said anything on his last visit about this? I was curious, so I walked down to go talk to him.

Oh, wait, I and Tommy don't have the best relationship right now. I stopped walking and thought for a bit.

Should I apologize? But what for? Probably torturing him in prison, killing him, reviving him, and everything in exile, etc. Holy shit- that was a lot of stuff. I did a lot to that kid, didn't I? Huh.

I jumped down the stone ridges and stepped over the big shards of glass and wood that I guarantee hurt someone while they were down here. Probably Tommy. 

"Tommy?" He jolted around quickly. "What do you want!?" "I'm just here to talk." I noticed that his eyes had a very purply tone to him. He had huge bags under his eyes. You could tell he had been crying too. His eyes had do you say it...spark in them. "Oh, yea? well, I don't want to talk right now." 

I'm also just now noticing, that he was sitting in front of Wilbur's grave. A ripped-up L'manberg flag was slowly swaying in the wind on top of the grave. Neatly carved out read, "Hear lyes Wilbur Soot, Leader of L'Manberg." 

"Tommy..." "GO AWAY, YOU GREEN BASTARD!" Tommy started crying.  "Just go away like everyone else did..." 

I've seen him cry before, but this was like balling crying. 

"'s okay-"

 This was very awkward for me. I think it was pretty embarrassing for Tommy too. I put my hand on his back and squatted next to him. He was crying for about two minutes until he got up and hugged me. I jumped, but slowly got used to it. I'm a swayer, when I hug people I tend to sway the person side to side. I think it helps people when they are sad. And I think it helped Tommy, but I think he just really needed a hug.

He sighed, "They all left me Dream..." "Just left me to fend for myself..." he whispered that very softly. He did that little voice crack thing too. Classic Tommy.

"Hey, I get it."



"Hey, I know we've had our differences, but why don't...we start over...?" Bold move Dream. Very bold.

"You mean it?" "Yea. I mean it. Let's restart." "Yea- wait,"

He broke the hug.


"Why?" I repeated.

"Why do you want to restart? Where did this Dream come from? I've never seen you like this. It was that purple dust! They...took you too!" He had a very concerned tone. He took a step back.

"Tommy, what the hell are you talking about?" "The dust. they took you too." 

"Tommy I have no idea what you are talking about."

"So...they didn't take you?" 


"That's great!" He ran toward me and gave me a big hug. 

"The dust took everyone; Dream. Tubbo, Quackity, Ghostbur, Phil..."

"What about Techno? Did they take Techno?"

"Not to my knowledge." "Well, you have very little to that." "Shut up man." He elbowed me hard. I laughed.

"Well, do you want to tag along?" "Um, no not really. I think I'll go to the neather. See if I can find anything." 

"Alright man, see you later." "See ya!" 

He ran off. Glass crushing under his tennis shoes. He ran straight ahead. He jumped over wood and stone. He started to climb the ladder leading out of the huge ditch. I could see he missed a step and freaked out.


He fell off the ladder and fell to the ground. I laughed so hard, that tears started to fall out of my eyes. "I'M OKAY!" He managed to get up the ladder and ran off. "WE'LL SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN! I PROMISE! BYE KING!"

"King..." I whispered. Good job Dream. You saved a sinking ship.

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