The Meadow

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When we left off; Ranboo had attempted to try and teleport with multiple people. Or, if you must, Triliport. Try-Lee-Port. We continue our story now.

"Are you ready?" Ranboo said nervously "Yes!" Dream replied with a sigh. The Misters held hands. "Three..." "Two..." A whoosh was heard. Techno and Dream glued their eyes shut as Ranboo's eyes became as bright as light. A short ring of light appeared underneath The Misters. It began to glow. It was a mix of gold, rose gold, and white. The outer part of the light source was outlined with gold. While the inside is white with rose gold highlights all around. It started to make a ringing sound. Dream could hear a rip. Little did dream know, earth, flowers, and grass were starting to float around them as they slowly started to rise in the air. Ranboo stayed still; standing straight as a line and looking up to the sky. He said nothing. Dream started to get nervous as they started to rise about 5 feet off the ground. Dream made sure to keep his eyes shut and focus on happy things. He mainly thought of George. Sometimes Sapnap would float in too, but it was mainly George. Then, all of a sudden, a short poof sound came along. Dream couldn't feel anything. It seemed that all his senses were gone. He couldn't feel Techno's or Ranboo's hand anymore. He slowly but surely started to open his eyes. But, he couldn't see anything. It was just a white void. Dream was confused. "Is this the place we were supposed to teleport to?" Dream thought. "Maybe not." But he slowly started to feel something touch his back. It was sharp but didn't hurt, it felt like grass almost. But not really. It was rough. It didn't feel like grass, it felt like a brick just with a grassy texture. He turned around and saw particles. Kind of like enderman particles but red instead of purple. He noticed that they were getting closer and closer. He didn't take note of it that much and thought about walking around a bit. He took a deep breath and took the first step. These particle things freaked out. They started buzzing around like a bunch of bees. Dream didn't know what to do. He could feel a small drop of sweat dripping down his right arm. But when he looked at his arm he realized something. It was blood. Dream was beeding. But how!? He hadn't seen anything that could hurt him. But, the particles had stuck to his left and right arm. Soon, there wasn't a single piece of skin showing. Dream got a closer look. Turns out, they have mouths. "That's nice." Dream said sarcastically. Dream then noticed he was bleeding. Only on his arm. There was a huge wound. It was long and skinny. But thick at the start. It ran down to his wrist. Some particles were still on his arm, only on the corners though. Then there was no more. Dream slowly but surely started to get his senses back. His sense of sight was first, then smell, taste, but when he got hearing back, he could hear panic around him. He could hear Techno calming Ranboo down about something, he still couldn't quite tell. Ranboo was shaking. But then, the main sense came. Touch. Dream felt a jolt of pain shoot through his bones. "Touch..." Dream repeated. "Pain Receptors!" Dream felt more pain come through. He screamed. As he slowly came back to reality, he saw Techno rush to his side telling him, "You're gonna be okay Dream." "Ranboo! Fetch me some bandages." He felt Techo's cold hands touch his right arm. Dream screamed in pain. Cold tears fell down Dream's face. Dream was crying. Techno caught some bandages and disinfectant Ranboo threw at him. Techno dropped some on Dream's bleeding arm. Dream screamed so loud that some birds flew out of the trees. Ranboo didn't know what to do, Techno was calm, and Dream was screaming, This was a disaster. The pain was getting worse. Dream felt hopeless.

Two hours after Dream was in a mysterious void with red particles buzzing around, Dream was sleeping peacefully in a small tent that Techno had made of wool. Dream had bandages running down his arm. The bandages had blood stains . Techno and Ranboo were tired but couldn't sleep. So they simply set up a campfire to talk a little.

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