Chapter 1

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My blazer flowed behind me as I ran as fast as I can. There was no time to feel tired now. I got on the train with only a minute to spare.

I looked around and sat down in an empty seat. I leaned my head on the window and breathed in heavily and then out again.

This was the third time I nearly missed the train here in London. Back home, my mother always used to be late so I would always nearly miss the train.

Like, I wake up so early to get to my class and she will wake up later than me and I would always arrive at the station a minute before the train leaves.

I was fluent in over 4 languages. It wasn't easy but I got there.

I got my first job at 20. It wasn't an easy job either. I wanted to pre-sue my dream in acting, so I joined a theatre here but that was only a side thing.

The job I actually have for money was an assistant at a fashion design studio. I will tell you now, my boss is so bossy.

~Harry's POV~

'Y/n l/n. Presumed missing 5 years ago until we spotted her here in London', Merlin said.

'What's she got to do with us'? I questioned.

'Well, she is chosen to be a candidate for the new Lancelot position'.

'By who'?

'By me', Arthur stated. 'There is no known picture of her in the files but she's one hell of an intelligent girl'.

'Fluent in over 4 languages other than English. A trained pilot, severed in the Air Force and trained in some martial arts'.

'How was she just presumed missing'? I asked.

'We found out from police files that she ran away from her home at 20, leaving no trace'.

'She has no friends and family. It's best. She has no one pulling her back', Arthur said.

'Not even a significant other'?


'She does have some bad records on her file but that was long ago', Merlin said.

'Bad records'?

'Drug use, alcohol and...', he paused before looking up at me. 'Suicide'.

~Your POV~

I kneeled down to pick up the papers that were tossed on the floor.

'Sorry, boss. I'll get them redone', I apologised.

'You better and don't waste my time again'. I nodded and left the room. A headache was creeping up on me.

Loud noises made it stronger so I clocked out early. I honestly didn't care anymore.

It was dark out and I was able to climb up to the roof. It was my peace up here. I shined my touch up to the sky and waved it around.

I put my headphones in and stood up, dancing around like a man was leading.

I slowly waltzed around the roof top. Then I stopped when I saw a male black figure looking up at me. I tilted my head and then the man turned to leave.

Who was that? Is some rando stalking me?

The next morning, I was late again. My boss will kill me if I'm late and even fire me. The doors of the train closed and started to move. I puffed and sat down. I saw a pair of shoes in front of me and I looked up.

'Hello, madam'. I stood up and this man still towered over me.

'Uhh, hi? Do I know you, sir'?

'My name is Harry Hart'.

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