4. Arriving and 1D :)

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Diana's pov:
I knew I looked like a mess but I didn't give a damn, I had nobody to impress anyways.
Since my fight landed early I had time to run into the bathroom to call my mom to tell her that I landed safely.
"Hey mom sorry if I woke you, I just want you to know I arrived and I'm alive"
"Hey honey thank you for calling me and I'm glad your safe, can't wait to see you perform soon!"

After hanging up I had to go out to meet Simon and the others. I looked around and after what felt like an eternity I spotted a group of people, a blonde haired boy who I'm guessing is Niall, 3 brunettes which I thing are louis, liam and zayn and finally I saw a curly headed boy who saw me and winked at me I knew had to be Harry because of the hair and the wink which I hear he does to a lot of girls.

They probably saw me first since I was hard to miss with my silver hair and they were walking towards me. I had a slight mental breakdown in my head for 5 seconds before telling myself to stop.

"Hi you must be diana avery" Simon said while smiling since he obviously knew who I was since I've met him before briefly when my album first dropped.
"Yes and you're clearly Simon and I'm guessing one direction" I replied with they looked slightly annoyed and amused that I said 'guessing'
"Ok let's get out of here, we got security to pick up your stuff and it's already in the hotel, which you'll be staying in for 3 nights, sound good?" I nodded in reply, so far they all seemed pretty nice.
We began walking to the limo and while we were walking louis showed down to talk to me, "hey so how are you feeling about everything, you know being your first tour and all?" He asked really politely
"I actually feel pretty excited about it," was my reply. To be honest I was really nervous but I'm not going to tell someone I just met that.
"You should be, it's honestly amazing! And if you need anything, we'll be here to help you alright love,"
"Thank you" I said smiling at him

The ride home was... interesting.
Most of The boys were singing their songs for a while but changing the lyrics to god knows what since they all said different things at the same time.
Niall had a Nando's which I have no idea where he got it from but he seemed pretty happy with it.
Harry seemed nervous wich I thought was kinda funny and every now and again louis would try to copy my American accent which was hilarious!

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