29. Music video shoot

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Diana's pov:

I just need to get on with today, and put yesterday behind us and pretend it never happened.

I am currently walking into the place where I'm going to be filming a new music video. The one I've been dreaming of creating since I became a singer. This song is probably my favourite on the album, it's called when the party's over, and it's about the feeling you get after ending a relationship.

"Are you seriously not scared to put black liquid in your eyes?" Niall asked,
"Nah why?" I laughed,

"I love you so much," Harry randomly said, in front of everyone, who looked shocked.
"Dude did you actually just say that to someone?" Zayn asked, "you've never said that to anyone who isn't your family! Congratulations Diana, you're the first!" He added making my world light up, and Harry get embarrassed.

"Will you finally tell me what the song is called?" Harry pleaded as we walked in,
"Ugh, fine it's called 'when the party's over'" I explained,
"That's all you're getting for now, styles. Also did Simon say he would be here?"
"Yeah he did..."
"Ah fuck. He's so controlling!" I said the truth, he really is controlling over us.
"I know, but without him, we wouldn't have a job meaning we would never had met eachother." I guess Harry had a point, bust still he has no right to control anyone.

Once I was changed into the outfit I was going to be wearing, it was time to play the song for the boys. This was going to be embarrassing, shit.
"Also Diana? Just so you're prepared, this may set off you're tics, since it will be in your eyes." The lady helping me get ready (danni) said. I nodded in response.

"I'm so excited to hear this," Harry said wrapping his arms around me,
"Don't get too excited," I said walking over to the computer man person who's name I later learnt was Carl.

I heard the familiar sound of the intro begin, and then my singing,
"Don't you know I'm no good for you?
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin'
But nothin' ever stops you leavin'
Quiet when I'm comin' home and I'm on my own
I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that
I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that
Don't you know too much already?
I'll only hurt you if you let me
Call me friend but keep me closer (call me back)
And I'll call you when the party's over
Quiet when I'm comin' home and I'm on my own
And I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that
Yeah, I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that
But nothin' is better sometimes
Once we've both said our goodbyes
Let's just let it go
Let me let you go
Quiet when I'm comin' home and I'm on my own
I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that
I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that"

Please don't hate it please don't hate it!
"Wow that song is amazing!" Louis said high-fiving me,
"That was really good," Liam complemented
"My new fav song!" Zayn exclaimed
"Oh my god! I wanna sing it on stage with you!" Niall shouted,
"Thanks guys!" I said beaming.
"That was Beautiful, it really was. You're so talented it's unbelievable!" Harry said kissing me more,
"Thanks, haz" I said with butterflies, which happen every time he touches me.

"Feel good?" Danni asked,
"Yeah, just ticking."
Harry came and sat next to me, "Harry I'm fine, it's just because it's like in my eyes, which is where my turrets are." I explained,
"I know, just be careful love." He said before being told to leave the filming part.

It's been about half an hour, and we are about to shoot, but Simon is being a total dick.
"Cant you just like tell me to put the glass down?" I asked for what felt like the 100th time,

The music started, and I drank the glass of black liquid, then Simon yelled to put down the glass. That's when the black liquid began coming out of the wires in my eyes, but of course as I put the glass down I ticked and it fell onto its side on the table, making Simon mad at me and me mad at myself.

"Okay, again," he said, this time I managed to do it, and I only ticked after the glass was down wich later the team said looked more "effective"

After ages, they had to go and get the tools to remove the wires, and Harry being Harry took a very unattractive photo of me,

After ages, they had to go and get the tools to remove the wires, and Harry being Harry took a very unattractive photo of me,

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"It's going to look so good oh my god," Louis said more excited than me as we left, with me finally in fresh dry clothes.
"Actually Diana and Harry I need to speak to you, now." Simon said sternly,
"Shit on it," Harry Said turning more and more like me,
"Shit on it indeed." I replied, "okay come on," I said grabbing his hand and walking towards our horrible manager.

"I need you both to explain this." Simon said handing us todays paper, shit I'm on it.
I read the headline:
Singer Diana avery seen crying after encounter with colleague Harry styles.
And there was a photo on one side of me and Harry talking, and then me sat on the floor alone crying.
Fuck there was like no one on the beach then.

"What?" Harry said confused, "when and why were you crying?" He asked concerned,
"People are already assuming that you're both together, we can't have this. I'm going to need for you to break up."
"Well I'm going to need you to fuck right off!" Harry said before I could say the exact same thing. I've never seen Harry this pissed off, and I'm not going to lie it was scary.
"We are not breaking up!" I shouted,
"Look it would never last with you two, you're too different even if you did stay together."
I'm literally going to kill this man, who the fuck does he think he is?
If I don't go out now, I will have a full on panic attack here in front of Simon and Harry, so I ran, and I kept running and I didn't stop running until the asthma kicked in. I always forget I have it.

Harry quickly caught up with me. He runs surprisingly fast. "Look there's no way I'm going to let him do this,"
"I know, I know, I know. It's just I-" I tried to breath but couldn't,  and then I did have a bit of a panic attack yeah.
"Hey, hey, it's alright love, breath," Harry said trying to calm me down. He must think I'm so pathetic, I've cried so much around him. I literally never used to cry but now it's a daily occurrence. Great.
"It's okay, we have eachother. We will always have eachother. I promise," he said before kissing my cheek,
"God, I'm being so stupid. I'm Sorry. Let's go,"
"No you're not love, It's okay to cry, and never apologise for it," he said as he put his arm around my shoulder and we began to walk back.

"Everything okay?" Louis asked as we got in the car,
"Yeah," I quickly said before harry could say anything else.

I put in my earphones, listened to Taylor swift and leaned into Harry while we held hands the whole way back. There's no way Simon can take this away from me, I finally feel loved by someone.

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