Chapter 5-Spring Camp

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There's going to be a couple "Back to"s, because I'm trying to switch between perspectives. Hopefully it's not too annoying.

As Nick pushed the tulips apart, he saw the girl with the moon necklace, a new girl (Sunny), and Betty. Starlight was in the middle of her fast paced overview. "And we realized it was telling us to find Luna's crown! The magical-" Nick yanked out the mirror. "Come on, come on, answer!" he muttered. "What is it? Have you found her?" "Yes, but- "Then why isn't she in handcuffs?" Nick sighed internally. Why wouldn't she ever hear him out? "It's because she knows where Luna's crown is." "Wait, she doesn't already have it! Ugh!" Celestia threw her hands up in the air. "Well, if I follow her, I can get the crown for you, and you can exact your revenge, so I thought you would want both." Celestia looked thoughtful. "Yes. That would- "H-Hello?" "AGG!" Nick screamed as he jumped up. He looked behind him to see Starlight peeking curiously over the tulips.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I-I was just wondering what you were doing... on the ground." Nick nervously ran a hand through shaggy, honey colored hair. "I was just uh picking up... my thing." he said while picking up the mirror he had dropped. Starlight cocked her head to the side, then remembered her manners. "Well, it's not very proper of me to talk through a window and not even introduce myself. Just a moment." Starlight ran around the bakery back to the window, with Sunny following. Nick had composed himself by then. "I'm Starlight, this is Sunny, and you are..." "Nick. Um, I couldn't help but overhear you were trying to find something?" "Well, that's if my parents let me. But it's pretty far away and all, so I'll probably still be here." Nick felt his pocket heat up, which probably meant it was glowing. "Well, I better go. Bye!" "It was nice meeting you Nick!" she waved as Nick jogged back to his horse. "Yes?" he said, opening the mirror. "Well, have you found the crown yet?" "Actually, it seems it's... it might take a while. And Starlight's parents don't seem like they'll let her go. We can't force her parents to let her go... "Ha! Are you really that dense? Nothing is easier than a little mind control. Wait a minute, I'll find where the crown is." then Celestia dissolved back into a mirror. "Mind control?" Nick repeated, concerned what it would entail. 

Back to Starlight; who was sitting on the grass with Sunny, who looked dejected. Starlight sighed. "Oh well, at least I can work on my spring operated camping set." she said, attempting to be optimistic. "Starlight! Could you come here please?" "It's my mom! Let's go!" Starlight ran inside the bakery. Betty was standing next to the door. "Well Starlight, you can go! I'd advise you go pack." "Really? I mean, thank you!" Sunny's face brightened. "Wait, can I come? My dad- "I already ordered- I mean Starlight's dad is checking, but you should be able to!" "Oh wow! Well, I better go home to pack- "Don't go! I'll make sure you have everything you need. What do you want to pack?" "Uh, clothes, extra arrows, food, and uh, useful... stuff?" I'm not really sure." "I'll get all that for you. Have fun!" Then she went into the blacksmith's shop. Starlight blinked. "Wow, that was weird."

After determining she was just overthinking her Mom's strange behavior, she decided the only thing left to do was pack. She went up the stairs and then the ladder to her room, with Sunny. After she finished, Sunny asked, "What's that?", referring to the mess of springs, poles, and fabric. "That's my spring operated camping set." Sunny peered at it with curiosity. "What does it do?" Starlight straightened the collapsed tent. "I can show you in a bit, I'm almost finished." After a couple minutes, she carried it downstairs. Once she was on the front lawn, she untied the cord holding the largest fabric and pole bundle together, which then expanded into a saggy tent. "Is it supposed to be so... uh... "Oops, I just forgot something." Starlight went inside the door and extended the poles, so the tan fabric was stretched tight. "Now it's done." 

Starlight smiled proudly at her tent. It looked a bit like a cube with a roof, was about 6 ft tall (on the tallest part of the "roof") and about 5 ft wide. "I almost forgot!" Starlight untied two smaller bundles, which unfolded into tan stools. "Welcome to Spring camp! Not the season, but because everything is operated by springs." Starlight declared, gesturing to the tent and stools. "The little chairs are so adorable!" Sunny commented, then rushed over to try one out. After Starlight packed up Spring camp, they went inside the Bakery. Something was lying on the floor next to the counter. "Huh. That looks like my backpack." Sunny walked over, then looked inside. "It is my backpack! With everything I asked for. How did it get here so fast?" Starlight considered the possibilities. "I'm not sure, but- "Aggh!" someone yelled faintly. Starlight rushed outside. "Huh, thought I heard someone scream." She looked around. "Me too." Sunny added. After waiting a bit, Sunny concluded, "Maybe we just heard something else. Should we, uh, go?" "Sure." Starlight shrugged. There didn't seem to be anything else to do. Once she pulled out the pie cart, she put their backpacks in the back and started down the road. (Sorry that last part was really abrupt, I wasn't sure how to get them to leave.)

Back to Nick; After Celestia had instructed him to wait, he had walked Misty behind a couple of trees near Starlight's yard. He was surprised to see Starlight's "Spring Camp", but as she set up the stools, his pocket glowed again. "Yes?" "Well, you're going to have to find the crown now." "But I thought you said you would find out- "I ran out of energy before I could ask the girl. But before I did, I had them tie themselves up! It was hilarious. Anyway, she should be leaving soon with her little friend... Sadie or something. Follow them and get the crown. Not too hard." Not too hard! Oh how he wished he was still at home. How was he supposed to survive this insanity? Celestia saw him zoning out. "What?" "Well, uh, how will I get there before her if I'm following her?" "Ask her, obviously." Yeah, I'm sure Starlight would be happy to give out information on where the most powerful object in Galactia was. Seeing this wasn't going anywhere, he nodded and closed the mirror. "Well, guess I'm stuck with this." Nick sighed. Misty tilted her head past the tree and neighed. "Misty, I don't have any apples. You already ate the one I had." Misty neighed again. "What?" Nick asked, looking where Misty was. "Aggh! Starlight's gone!" Misty rolled her eyes. Nick watched as Starlight walked outside with Sunny. "Thank goodness, she was just inside. See Misty? Nothing to be concerned about." Misty sent him a glare and neighed. "She's right there. Calm down." Misty neighed impatiently. Nick looked where Starlight had been, to see her rolling quickly away on her scooter. "Oh no no no! We have to catch up!" Nick jumped on Misty's back. "Let's go!" Misty rolled her eyes again, then started cantering. 

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