Chapter 9- Tree Town

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After staring at this frustrating chapter for about a month (probably longer, IDK), I've decided to just publish it as the sad 441 words it is. Really sorry about this, hopefully next chapter will be better. 😐

"What is it?" Sunny asked as she walked over to join Starlight. The chestnut horse stood behind her in the trees, still carrying the stolen items. "Well, we should probably return all this stuff." Sunny nodded toward the overstuffed bags, and gently led the horse back onto the road. As Sunny pet the horse's muzzle, Nick's eyes widened at the sight of something shiny poking out of the baggage. A sword!?

Starlight rolled out her map. "Hmm, if we continue down this road a bit, we'll arrive at Tree Town. Not the most creatively named, but we can buy supplies." Sunny looked down at the map. "Maybe there's trees there!" Starlight smiled as she rolled up the map, to see Nick clumsily waving a gold hilted sword in the air. Starlight stood and put her hands on her hips. "Nick, put that back where you found it." Nick paused mid-swing and smiled sheepishly. Starlight raised an eyebrow, unwavering, till Nick sighed and slid the sword back in its case.

Soon they were off, and reached Tree Town in about an hour. Upon entering, they soon found the town lived up to its name. Fruit trees poked up by log houses, while oaks and firs lined the dirt road. Sunny grinned triumphantly. "See guys? I was right!" A man in overalls abruptly asked, "Hey, is that my ax?" Sunny suddenly remembered she was sitting on a bunch of stolen goods, and stopped the horse. "Here it is!" She pulled it out and handed it to the man. He looked surprised. "Uh, thanks. But how'd you come across it anyway?" "Well, we met these thieves on our way here, and after my wolf friends lent us a bit of help, we took all their stolen stuff back here!" The man looked confused at first, but then looked thoughtful. "Now that I think about it, my neighbor recently lost her pearl necklace. I'll go talk to her." Then he walked away.

Soon an older woman came and retrieved her necklace, and a boy took back his sack of flour. Eventually, it seemed as though the whole town had taken back their stolen items! Nick looked mournful as the gold hilted sword was carried off. Soon, a man in a white apron walked up. "I believe that's my horse, and that some jerky was stolen from my butcher shop." Sunny hopped off the horse and explained, "Oh, I almost forgot! I'm afraid I used your jerky, but I can pay you back!" "Oh no, that won't be necessary." Then he led the horse away. After stocking up on supplies, they traveled back into the wilderness toward the Sky Mountains.

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