Down under

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"See? It's a boat!" Pope exclaimed, pointing towards the water, squinting his eyes.
"Holy shit he's right. Let's go" Kiara hastily spoke, taking off her tied up t-shirt and Jean shorts.

Evelyn did the same as they all prepared themselves to jump into the water. "You think there's a dead body down there?" Pope asked, slightly frightened as JJ and John B jumped in. "We'll never know unless we find out!" Evelyn exclaimed jumping into the water.

"Get your ass in here Pope!" JJ announced, eager to see what may be found in the bottom of the marsh.

As soon as Pope hit the water, they all swam towards the wreck. They searched the boat as best they could while holding their breaths underwater. They all rushed towards the surface, after they examined the new, very expensive boat.

"You guys saw that right!?" JJ said with excitement. "That's a Grady-White, a new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy" he exclaimed.

"So you know all about boats, but nothing about anything else. Makes sense" Evelyn retorted sarcastically. JJ glared at her, making her laugh.

They all swam back to the boat and carefully got on it without tipping the small boat.

"Yeah yeah yeah, that's the boat Evelyn and I saw when we surfed the surge" John B said, confused. You guys surfed the surge?!" Kie asked, in approvingly. "That's my girl, pogue style" JJ chuckled proudly.

Evelyn smiled widely at JJ as he did his handshake with JB.

"Wait, wait. Do we know who's boat that is?" Pope asked. "Nope, but we're about to find out!" John B said laughing. "Dude it's too deep." JJ said not believing the chances of finding anything. "Oh for the weak and feeble JJ" John B replied, unfazed by anything that could happen to him.

"Well I'm not resuscitating you, just making that clear up front" JJ said sarcastically. "That's fine" JB replied in a sing-songey voice.

"John B" Kie scoffs. "What!?" John B says while laughing.

"Diver down fool" Pope says in a neutral voice, and Evelyn salutes to him. John B salutes back to Evelyn while saying "diver down" as JJ runs at him full speed and pushes him over while exclaiming "yeah he is!"

As John B searched for any identity of the owner of the boat, the 4 above the surface waited nervously for their friend to come back up.

Evelyn was next to JJ and of course she was panicking inside but she wouldn't let her friends see it. Just as Pope asked if they should go get him, John B popped back up, and they all let out a breath they didn't know they were holding in.

As she started to stand up from leaning over the side, she didn't even realize something was holding onto her hand. She looked down and saw hers in JJ's, and she secretly smiled, not letting go.

"Oh my god that took forever" Kie complained to the boy in the water, still clearly panicked. "Any dead bodies?" "Looting potential!?" JJ and Pope spitfires towards John B, eagerly waiting for the response.

"No, no. I found this motel key" JB replied, still out of breath. "A key" Pope stated unimpressed by what had been found

Yes a key, Pope" John B said confirming what he had found. "Great, we salvaged a motel key." JJ stated sarcastically

"JJ be more open minded! What if it's a good thing" Evelyn shouted from the other side of the boat with Kie.

"Stop acting so wise Evelyn. It's a motel not a mansion"

Now it was Evelyn's turn to glare at the boy. He winked at her, as she turned away smiling.

"Guys we should report the wreck to the coast guard! Maybe we'll get a finders fee!" Kie exclaims with her new idea, as the sped off on the boat. "Yeah and not work all summer. Thanks Agatha ya batch" JJ replied unenthusiastically.

As the group of five conversed amongst themselves and sped through the marsh, they didn't notice the pale man, floating at the surface of the water, surrounded by a few weeds, next to shore.

Hey guys! I know it's been a while but I'm back! The first bit of this chapter is a little slow but it speeds up a bit! I hope you all like this chapter and I'll see y'all next time!

Xx ~ Ella<3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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