Chapter 9

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(I wrote this chapter while on a bus and in a really bad mood because yesterday this girl stole the Rubber Soul pin I made and today, a jerk saw it and said that they must have had a bad hair day. I hate him more than@Macca40 's Starving Artist and Mitch from @NJ2001's "Blood Curdling". And someone just said they had and i quote, "j@ck3d up" hair. Pardon my anger, because I'm trying to make this a happy chapter)

Paul sat on the green grass, swaying along to the right with the light blowing wind. He crossed his legs, put his left elbow on his left knee, and set his chin in his palm, gazing at nothing and just simply daydreaming. Daydreaming about Elise. He was ready to ask her a question. Ready until...

"Paul?" John asked. Paul was still staring off into space. John pulled Paul's arm put from under Paul's chin.

"W-what did you do that for!?!"

"To get you out of your Ellie trance." He cheekily smiled, taking a drink from his water bottle.

"Well, you just interrupted one of the most important answers to one of the most important questions ever."

There was a pause. John expected Paul to tell him, and Paul expected John to ask what it was. "Well!?!"

"Do you think- well, do you think that-" He couldn't find the right words to say, and he wasn't even asking Elise yet.

"Well!?! Spit it out!"

"Do you think- do you think that Ellie- that Ellie would ever-"


"That Ellie would ever- marry me?"

John choked and coughed on his water for a minute. "That Ellie would ever what!?!"

"That she would ever marry me."

"Um, well, it's not my decision to make, y'know. It's hers."

"I know, but do you think that she would?"

"If she's willing, I guess."

"Because I got this and I'm not sure if I should propose or not. I love her, but will she say yes?" Paul pulled a small, gray velvet covered box from his pocket. Opening it, he revealed glimmering diamond ring with an egg shaped cut. In the light, it had almost a sky blue tint in it- Ellie's favorite color.

"Tomorrow never knows. If it was meant to be, it'll happen, but if it doesn't, it doesn't. That's all there is to it."

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