World Without Love

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John and George stood next to the locked door that kept them from Paul.

Ringo began running towards the two. "Okay, I locked all the doors," he said, partially out of breath.

"May I ask why?" John questioned.

"So he doesn't go to a bar. And get drunk. We can't handle a drunken Paul."

"You make a good point." George agreed.

" I don't think you have to worry about him leaving the house. The lad won't even leave his room."

"He okay?"

"He walked in there with a giant tub of ice cream, three packs of disposable spoons, a stack of sappy romance movies, five boxes of tissues, and his guitar. What d'you think?"

"Better than drunk."

John banged on the door three times. "Paul, open the door."

"Jack, no!" Paul shouted. "Rose!"

"What's he-" John trailed off.

"I think it's The Titanic."

"Paul, open the door!" John said with another bang.

"No! Titanic's not over yet!"

"Okay, after Titanic's over, open the door!" George said with reason.

"No! Let me wallow in my misery and drown in my tears!"

"Macca, stop being so childish!"

"I am not being childish! I'm not leaving this room!"

"You'll have to come out sometime! You can't survive by eating your body weight in ice cream and crying out about 72% of it!" Ringo shouted.

"Don't bother me!" He retorted back.

" 'Don't Bother Me'. Hmm. Sounds like a song." George thought out loud.

"Our best friend has locked himself in that room and all you can think about is writing songs!?!" Paul heard John muffly shout from the other end of the door.

"Paul, you don't need a bird to make you feel happy!" Ringo said.

"Yeah, you don't need Ellie!"

He ignored the commands to open the door. He ignored the shouting. He ignored everything. He decided to finally ignore the tears. Slowly, he grasped his guitar by the neck, set it on his lap, and slowly began thinking of a song.

Please, lock me away, and don't allow the days,
Here inside, where I hide, with my loneliness.

I don't care what they say, I won't stay in a world with love.

Birds sing out a tune, and rain clouds hide the moon. I'm okay, here I'll stay, with my loneliness.

I don't care what they say, I won't stay in a world without love.

So I wait, and in a while, I will see my true love smile, she may come, I know not when, but when she does, I'll know, so baby, until then,

Lock me away, and don't allow the days, here inside, where I hide, with my loneliness.

I don't care what they say, I won't stay in a world without love.

(I know, another Peter and Gordon song, but, hey, Paul still wrote these, and I love Peter and Gordon. It'll probably be different next time.)

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