chapter #12

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Precious p.o.v

I woke up like ten minutes ago I'm now standing in the shower trying to process what happened

I woke up sweating and panting my underwear soaked from the pool of cum in their my arousal was at it's highest peak

Did I have a wet dream about Valentina touching my princess parts ohh yes I did

I quickly take a shower and get dressed into this

I quickly make my downstairs grabbing my phone in the process

"Buenos dias mama y papa" is said to my mom and dad giving both of them a peck on the cheek

"Buenos dias hija" mom said

"Buenos dias princesa" dad Said

"What's for breakfast" I asked and right on time my tummy grumbled

"Waffles and fruits"

"Ohk"I said when mama placed a plate of waffles in front of me

"Thanks mama"

"Can I go out today" I asked

"No" My dad said flatly

"Honey I think it's best if you stay home for now" mom said

"Oh ok" I said sadly

I quietly excused myself from the table not wanting to eat anything I know it's for my own safety but they can't protect me forever

Their is gonna be a day where I'm going to have to protect myself even the babies know that this world ain't just flowers and sunshine

The world is darker than you think this world is unpredictable you might be here sitting happily and in the blink of an eye your sad and bawling your eyes out

This world has more bad people than good and I don't want to sound like a negative thinker but that's just how life is

I quickly call Valentina erasing all the bad thoughts

"Hey momma" I said smiling

"Hey princess how are you mi amor"

"I'm fine can you come over today pretty please"

"Sure princess I'll be their in a hour" she said chuckling

"Bye momma lo-"

"What was that princess"

"Oh nothing bye have a great day" I said hanging up

And letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in

I love Valentina so much but I don't want her to feel as though I'm rushing things

I look out the window and saw that it was very sunny I guess I can go for a swim in the indoor pool

I quickly changed into my bathing suit

I apply some Suncream on the parts of my body that I was able to reach

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I apply some Suncream on the parts of my body that I was able to reach

I wrap a towel around me and make my way down to the pool I lay on one of the pool chairs face down

It's quite funny how I came out here to swim but instead I'm here laying on the pool chair

And now I'm feeling way too lazy to get up I don't know when I fell asleep but I was woken by a smack on my ass and someone squeezing it lightly

"Wake up princess" I hear Valentina say

And then she started place wet kisses on my ass cheek going straight to my clothed princess part

"I'm awake"I moaned out

"How was your day sweetheart" Valentina asked kissing me on my cheek

"Bad" I said pouting

"Why what's wrong princess did something bad happen" she asked concerned

"It's just that I miss you alot" I said sadly

"I miss you too baby" she said lifting me up and placing me on her lap where

"I like your bathing suit"she said playing with the hem of it

"You do"

"Yes I like it very much princess but I'd like it more If it was off"

"So why not take it off then papì" I asked with a smirk on my face


Hey sweetheart thank you for reading and supporting

I love you guys so much




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