chapter 3

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The gods grew with anger protecting the chosen ones to aid and help the God the girl passed on through out history was reincarnated but died in a sad death with out love but so much love to give  the chosen one is none other the mother of creation  her love for creating creatures far and wise of her years pure at heart her mounts q pegasus and a unicorn aids her in battle to defeat the evil from the world  2021 BC

A girl wearing a white cloak walks slowly in the sand her long dark brown hair whips around her face her head lowers as she pulls her mount  a black mustang her eyes sadden as she walks her necklacess of the egyptan  gods blows softly tapping her chest as the sand wind blows  her voice sings into the wind

As the gods have sang the sad songs from long ago the chosen ones have fallen all but one all but one as her sadness sings a lullaby  it rings her heart is pure but once was millions is now just one her sadness rings through out the lands the gods pray that time will come when the new chosen ones are born this old one will rest at last

her head lifts up tears streaming down her cheeks as she stands still seeing figures of her old friends the chosen ones  smiling laughing as she cries out reaching her hand out to them she could see them looking at her reaching their hands out their finger tips touches softly wind blows the illusion away into the sand her eyes lowers tears pours down her cheeks as she cries out loudly  her knees buckles  from under her weight move my child q booming voice shouts loudly move she lifts her head up looking up  at a glowing figure I can't she speaks I am alone she holds her breath I can't fight the evil alone your not alone the voice booms loudly we will aid you call upon us we will come will you she speaks I lost my friends my family she cries the black horse nuzzles into her cheek tenderly as she cries out I'm scared fear will become stronger my child maybe i am not strong she shouts they kill me time time again she looks up you gods do nothing she grips into the sand throwing it screaming I hate being alone  she grips the saddle of her black beast  the glowing orb shimmers you can't do that the voice speaks growling fine the orb lands beside her anubis looks at her walking over the large black beast rears up neighing he grips the reins walking to her side his form turns human his brown hair gold blue clothes he grips the saddle your not alone anymore highness he speaks softly kissing her neck she blushes gasping softly find men you trust on this planet you call your creations find more light seeds who will aid you he sits behind her gripping his staff tightly kicking the beast sides as it gallops off into the sand breathing heavily  his warmth his skin against hers she blushes anubis if I am reborn never leave my side she whispers shutting her eyes never he purrs out  she cries as tears pours down her cheeks isis laughs she did it she laughs flipping a table the other gods turns to her in shock some laughs loudly  she forgave him isis leans forward  come my child she leans over the pool of water shinning sparkling  she is far more safe now then before my love she turns to her brother and her lover he sits still leaning back to think he speaks this young goddess could bring goodness to the world she is doing nothing  but good he smiles call the other gods he roars her grandfather would love to hear this he grins and the Greek gods and all the gods one little girl alone calls for aid all the other chosen ones failed but she was less stubborn his eyes widen glowing light flashes before their eyes glowing orbs of prayers stop gods why punish me they look with sadness is that her in the future they gasps please I trust you help me save the people of earth please her light shines brightly oh the heavens isis screams out loud booming fills the room that's her in the future he screams out she fully awakens  the world could be saved by one little sand tip

Her breathing was heavily alcurd she cries out  q flying hawlk flies above them screaming loudly as it soon flies beside her holding a scroll she reaches out grabbing it good boy go she rises her hand up he flies off anubis looks down what is it she unties it reading it

Chosen one I know who you are and what you are I come to ask of you to aid you on your path   to fight evil meet me as soon as you can on the high point of the mountain we will aid you during this  time your friend and loyal knight z

Her heart flutters in her chest as she looks up at the stars a shooting star flashes before her eyes  as she shuts them z so you return she smiles  happily as she leans back anubis z wants to meet me on that mountain he looks up why to aid us he stops the horse near the waters side she climbs up struggles to climb though she was afraid she soon reaches the top a tall figure turns his head black hair some covering his face white streaks in his hair his black white outfit flows around them my lady he bows to her she smiles z  what is it he looks over you see he speaks softly I come to inform you I have met who will aid you until your death they will keep you safe through out the years do you accept she looks at him I do he grins good then he lowers his head bowing ten warriors apears around them anubis grips his staff your safer now he speaks  I will give you powers and  nicknames her hands glows once it was done she collaps anubis holds her tightly to his chest she is dead he speaks looking up no she is reborn once she awakens  the evil with vanish

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