A day in June

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Do you think about my dry eyes like i do? 

when you left was I your worst nightmare come true,

a weak echo of the poisoned whispers told by the malignancy 

- oh so potent-

that devoured each cell of you wonderous mind. 

A mind of comfort,

tales of injury from the great white,

lands across the sea, 

a fascinating story keeping us half pints busy. 

I was infactuated,

I thought of you each day,

longing for a birthday, wedding or funeral to hear the adventures once more. 

Yet, my eyes were dry when the phone rang,

when the room fell silent my eyes talked less,

when i drove the the mortery and saw you there 

- this is not what i meant. 

Do you think about the tears i could not find,

or the explaination no one was willing to give a child. 

An accident perhaps,

 maybe a crash,

were you sick?

But this was no mistake. 

I think about my dry eyes, 

and I wish they would return. 

Beacuse rainy season is back, 

and I think I prefered the drought

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