Chapter two

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Alyssa POV
Monday June 24, 2020 10:45
I wake up to something shaking me. I look over and my seat neighbor is telling me we are about to land. I look out the window. It's so pretty. I'm really hoping I made the best decision. I get up to use the restroom and to clean myself up. I have a really strong feeling that this change is gonna be different. I sit back down in my seat as the flight attendant is announcing that we are about to land. I continue listening to my music until then.
10:58 am
As I'm exiting the plane, I feel someone staring at me. I wouldn't blame them. Im really pale and most of the people her are tanner than me. I start to look around for my luggage, I look to see who is staring at me. I see a tall man who is very muscular looking in my direction. I brush it off as if he is looking for someone. I grab all my bags and start walking to the exit to find my rental car.
As I'm unloading everything from my car, I feel someone watching me, but there's no one out here.
Third person POV
Isaiah watches Alyssa as she unloads her car. He can't help but think how beautiful she is, her long brown hair in a ponytail, how her pale skin shines in the sunlight. It's funny how she turns out to be his neighbor. With her living next door, it will be easy to get to know her. After all, he was lonely. With his ex-wife, he had two kids. They hate him now because he let things get to out of hand. They had all moved on. He wasn't gonna let that happen again. He paces around his living room, thinking how he is gonna talk to her. Fuck, he doesn't even know her name. He will find out eventually. He hears her talking outside with another neighbor. The feeling of jealousy grows in his chest. Why do I feel like this? I don't even know her...
Alyssa POV
As I get the last bag up the stairs, one of my new neighbors starts walking out his room. "Hey, you must be new to the building! I'm Mike, what's your name?" "Hi, yes I am, I'm Alyssa. Nice to meet you Mike!" "Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?" "Oh I'm from Settle." "Dang you moved from there to here? You crazy girl!" I laughed at that comment. "Well, it's been crazy over these last few months and I needed a new change." " oh well ain't nothing wrong with that. Well I have to get going, my wife wants me to get something from the store. Don't be afraid to say hi anytime!" " ok Mike, you have a good day." As mike walked away, I could feel someone staring at me. As I turn to look, I see a tall muscular man just staring down from his window. He quickly runs away from the window as he sees me looking at him. It was weird but he was kinda attractive. Brushing it off, I continued to go into my apartment and close the door waiting to lay down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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