~Chapter Five~

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Isabelle Blake


It’s been well over a week and I dusted my hands and placed them on my hips, admiring the house. Cleaners had done an amazing job, leaving this place spotless. Electricity was on, the fire was blazing, furniture placed where it should be and it was starting to feel very homely.

Mom walked in and smiled and I just hung up a few pictures of good past memories and smiled fondly at them. It all seemed a lifetime ago. There was me and Caroline grinning goofily back at me. It was graduation day that time and we were thrilled.

Sadly, even Rosehill Academy won’t be funded anymore unless Alan decides to, but that demon obviously won’t. The school might shut down and I’d lose my job not to mention it’s heartbreaking since I’d met Nathan there and had wonderful memories to keep.

 Before Emma, I’d gotten the job as a biology teacher there. Nathan protested and said I didn’t have to work but of course I wanted to, I wanted to teach and then get paid. Simple as, but now I’m on maternity leave and who knows if I’ll be going back.

There were more picture frames of Franklin being born, his first Christmas, when I took Mom to Spain and so much more. It all seemed lovely.

“Things are starting to look good, huh?” asks mom and I nodded. She was covered in dust since she’d been clearing out the basement. The electricians left quite a mess along with the builders.

“Yup,” I mumble and flop down onto the couch. Everything looked clean like the house was always inhabited by people and not abandoned. Greta had officially moved in and started assisting me and thankfully the Solicitor problem was simple enough.

“It’s looking marvellous.” My head snaps to the door, Nathan’s mom slowly comes in with Emma sleeping in her arms. She’d been an awful lot of help. And she was great company for Mom whilst they unpacked and Dad was at the restaurant.

The thought of having everyone I loved in one house made me more that happy. I couldn’t describe it, but I knew someone would be missing. Nathan. I hadn’t seen him over a week and Alan was surely back. Thankfully, we hadn’t seen him and we promised to stay out of his way as much as possible.

“Yeah, it does,” I answer after a while and watch Gareth (who kindly offered to help) shift the Kitchen equipment in. We needed a stove, how else would we eat? He sighs in relief and marches back into the living room with sweat dripping down his red face.

“Thanks Gareth,” I smile and he nods, looking as if he’s about to pass out. I couldn’t help but snigger and watched Graham stroll in from school and Oreo running to bark at him.

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