A date with Yugo

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Requested by: @nyxlev15!

Fem!Reader x Yugo

(This is gonna be a friends to lovers troupe)

I awoke to someone calling my phone. It was pretty early in the morning for someone to be calling me. I rub my eyes and glance at my phone. I quickly sat up and answered my phone.

"Yo! How you doin'?" Yugo says in an energetic tone. Just hearing that alone made me smile.

"I'm doing great Yugo! How about you?" I reply, getting out of my bed and looking at myself in the mirror.

"Even better now that I'm talking to you." He says and I notice that my cheeks were turning a slight pink. "I called you because I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at my place today."

"Of course! I would love to!" I say, sounding way too excited. I felt embarrassed by the way that came out. I could hear him giggle on the other end of the phone.

"Well then I'll come pick you up at around 1 pm. Is that ok with you?" He asks.

"Yeah that's fine with me. I'm gonna go get ready now so I'll see you in a bit!" I beamed as I brushed through the tangles in my hair.

"Alrighty~ See you y/n!" He said before hanging up.

I put my phone down on my dresser and struggled to get the last of the tangles out. After I was finished brushing I took a shower and put on my favorite outfit. Of course it wasn't anything too fancy or formal since we're just hanging out as friends, right?

~Time skip~

After I was done getting ready I hear a knock at my door. It must be him. I rush to the door and peek through the peephole and sure enough a handsome dark haired boy who had a pair of headphones resting on his broad shoulders was standing at the door. He had a big smile on his face. I opened the door and waved happily at him. He nodded his head slightly.

"You ready?" He questions, tucking a small tuft of hair behind his ear. I nodded and he took my hand and guided me to his car. He opened the passenger side's door and helped me into his car. After he made sure I was buckled in, he shut the door and got in the driver's seat. He started the car and connected his phone to the speakers. Yugo and I have the same music taste. He put on the playlist that we made together and we sang our hearts out on the way to his house. During the ride, I glanced over at him and he was as happy as a kid getting their favorite toy on Christmas. His smile was contagious. I couldn't help but smile as well.

We arrived at his place and he led me inside. His house has posters of famous artists along the walls and some records hanging on the walls as well. Everything was clean and looked incredibly nice. I stood in front of the door, staring in aw. Yugo noticed this and chuckled.

"Do you like my place that much? You're drooling." He joked and I slapped him playfully. His smile just got even bigger.

He suggests that we watch a movie together and I agree. I let him pick the movie and he picked a scary movie. Great. Scary movies are not my cup of tea but if it's with Yugo I'll watch anything. We sit down on the couch and I scoot a bit closer to him. My face heats up when he puts his arm around my waist.

"Y-Yugo?" My voice comes out as a stutter. He looks at me as if he doesn't realize what he's doing. I shake my head and focus on the TV.

~Slight time skip~

The movie was starting to get pretty scary now and I absolutely hated it. I leaned my head on his chest. I brought my body closer to his. The feeling of his body heat brought me safety. He gripped my waist gently, giving me a reassuring squeeze.

After the movie ended I stayed in the exact same position. I just wanted to be by Yugo's side forever. He looked down at me and I looked at him back. We stared into each others eyes and I swore I could get lost in them. He gently held my cheek and brought his face closer to mine. At this point I felt like my heart was pounding out of my chest and my face was on fire. I closed my eyes and embraced for the kiss.

Yugo's lips felt so soft on mine. I felt like I was melting. I was in such a euphoric state amd I never wanted to leave. After a few seconds, Yugo broke the kiss. His warm and soft hands carressing my cheek. I smiled and leaned my head more into his hands. The way slight dimples appeared when he smiled was so adorable. I thought I couldn't love him even more but boy was I wrong. He held me closer to him making me feel safe and happy. If I had the power to stop time I definitely would in this moment.

           We spent almost the entire day just hanging out with each other. We ordered pizza and played valorant together. Yugo surprisingly beat me during all the rounds. But I'm not complaining because I got to see his excited face. He looked like a puppy getting a treat. We cuddled on his bed and I realized how late it was. I asked him to take me home and he didn't even hesitate to do so. He guided me to his car and drove me home. He gave me one last goodbye kiss before waving and getting in his car. I went up to my room and laid in my bed. I couldn't get rid of the huge smile on my face. I can't believe I had my first date with Yugo!! After a while I fell asleep.

          I hope you enjoyed this! I'm sorry that my updates are late :<

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