A new chapter begins the chunin exam!

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"*yawn*hmmm..."(guess i gotta get up and start my day.) "lets go leone."

My pet lion responded with a growl meaning he just woke up aswell. I made my way to the market with him and grabbed a few steaks and stopped at a deli to grab my sandwich and a bag of chips

"Here ya go."

Team 10: "is that y/n with a lion?"

"Thanks for the food.*smiling while leaving a tip*"

Ino: "be careful y/n there's a lion behind you!"

Shikamaru: "i think he knows that."

"Hmm oh hey guys. Why are you here?"

Shikamaru: "nothing much we came cause choji likes the food from this place."

Choji: "yep best snacks in town."

"Oh that make sense i like the food here to."

Ino: "whats with the lion?"

"Oh this is my pet of 7 years, leone."

Ino: "oh I didn't know you had a pet."

"He must like you guys he hasn't tried to kill you yet."

Choji: "c'mon on shikamaru you still owe me lunch."

" well i have to leave anyways i have training and i have to meet with the rest of team 7."

Ino: "why not leave forehead and that idiot naruto and join us."

"No thanks, I really like my team naruto's a cool guy and sasuke is always someone i don't mind working with and sakura isn't that bad. I would be an idiot to leave behind some of my favorite people. Well i gotta go cya later."

I began to walk away with leone right behind me

"Wanna race?"

Leone: "*roar*"

"Ok 3...2...1...go!"

And with that me and my favorite animal ran full speed at our designated meet up spot. When we came in to distance of the others i saw sakura sasuke and naruto

"Haha i win!hey guys."

Sasuke: "late as always."

"Im not late cause kakashi's not here yet."

Team 7: "because he's more late than you are."

"Oh forgot about that."

I ended up laying on leone's back almost asleep until kakashi showed up

Kakashi: "hey guys, good morning sorry im late im afraid I got lost on the path of life."

Naruto-sakura: "huuuuuh!"

Naruto: "im ready for the next ninja mission sensei an c'mon no more of this dumb beginner stuff ok!"

Naruto continued his speech and he had a fire in his eyes

Kakashi: "alright i get it that great naruto. Now take it easy would ya?"

"*tears in eyes* kakashi sensei so inspirational!"

I said while wiping the tear from my eye

Sasuke: (oh brother.)

Naruto then started to have a fantasy about saving Sasuke and saying a witty remark

Kakashi: "tell us when you're done fantasizing naruto so we can  start the mission alright."

"Stop having daydreams about saving your boyfriend."

CRIMSON (Naruto Male Reader Insert)[slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now