Asgore's Flowers

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Asgore walked amongst his throne room, watering his beautiful golden flowers. He loved how the flowers brightened up his chambers, the intoxicating smell of bliss relaxing him, the shine giving the illusion of sunlight.

"Dum de dum dum..." he hummed.

As he made his way around, careful not to squish any flowers, he accidentally bumped into a chair, covered by a white cloth. Dust flew all around him, but he did not care. He simply looked at the empty throne, one his wife used to sit in.

Life was so much different after he promised his people revenge. The terrified look on Tori's face... it was an image seared in his mind. He never wanted her to leave. He never wanted his children to die. He never wanted any of what had happened to happen.

But it did anyway.

Now, the king of the monsters was bound to a promise, a promise that would stab his gut and twist its way to his soul.

But he had no other choice.

Asgore sank to the ground, filled with a sudden surge of grief. He quietly sobbed for a few minutes, his heart cracking, like that fateful day happened again. His children were gone. His wife was gone. The family he loved and cherished, and swore to protect, was gone.

So why did he have to fight?

Asgore pulled himself up, brushed the tears off his cheeks, and walked back to his throne. But instead of sitting in it, he laid himself on the ground and closed his eyes. He preferred to nap on the soft ground, cushioned by his golden flowers, which somehow never sank under his ginormous figure. He lay quietly for a few minutes, until one of the flowers bent over his face. The king sneezed, opened his eyes to brush the flower away, and-

"Oh my," he whispered to himself.

The sight he saw was beautiful. He had walked under the ceiling so many times, but he never looked up at it before. Lush green vines clambered their way up and spiraled around, and the king could see flower buds poking out. Above all that was a ray of light that spilled into his room. It felt like... sunlight.

It wasn't warm or comforting like the real sun, the sun that Asgore had seen hundreds of years ago. But it spread itself across the room, unafraid to lighten up his life.

The flower buds reminded him of something too. It reminded him that during his darkest times, life always thrives. The tiniest buds could turn into the brightest flowers.

This is what he was fighting for. All those monsters in the Underground, hoping to see the sun once more, or even for the first time... He was the king of those people. He was the king of the underground.

It was cruel, the promise Asgore made. But he'd done it for the better. He'd done it so new buds could grow, and someday grow in the sun's beautiful rays.

But in the end, Asgore could only hope he was still good.

A/N - I hope you enjoyed this little story! I might go back and edit it here and there, but the main idea will stay the same :D

Have a good day/night!

- CP

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