Alphys The Scientist

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It was interesting, the way things worked out for Alphys.

About a year ago, she would've been scrounging around the garbage dump with Catty and Bratty, showing them all kinds of junk humans tossed away. Or she could have crossed paths with Undyne, the pretty royal guard, or she was just sifting through the junk by herself. It always blew her mind that humans would toss away such valuable and wonderful things. All those comic books and shows were masterpieces, they were nothing she'd ever seen in the Underground!

Eventually, she grew tired of living on the streets of the Underground. She wanted to create items to help others and experiment different ways to solve a problem. Alphys wanted to do something with her life.

And deep down, within her heart, was the hope to free the Underground.

It had always been there - every monster had a little fiery hope inside them. That's why they prayed to the rocky stars, and whispered their dreams to the gossipy Echo Flowers. Their hopes and dreams flared inside them, a constant fire that could never run out.

And so Alphys' fire started a spark, and she became the Royal Scientist.


Alphys' spark was not as fiery as before.

Sure, being the Royal Scientist was a true dream come true (now she just needed to see Mew Mew Kissy Cutie on the surface, and her life would be complete) but she had some work to do.

Okay, maybe A LOT of work.

Since monsters couldn't break the barrier with magic, she decided the next best option was science. If Alphys could discover how to harness the power human souls had, or better yet, create a human soul, they could break the barrier! After studying the six human souls the monsters had already, Alphys discovered and extracted something from the human souls. She called it determination.

Alphys was thrilled to have found something. This was a huge step in her research. If only she could find a way to manifest it...

She decided to take a trip to the throne room to get some input.

"Dum de dum dum..." Asgore hummed, flowering his plants. He noticed Alphys and smiled warmly. "Oh, Alphys! How nice to see you here."

"N-nice to see y-you too, y-your majesty," Alphys squeaked. It wasn't her fault she was nervous around the king - he was always so sweet and kind, and he didn't look half bad, even if he was alone.

"What brings you here?" he asked, setting down his watering can.

"W-well, I've made s-s-some fascinating discoveries about the human souls-"

"You have?" Asgore said, blatantly surprised. He broke into a huge grin. "That's wonderful!"

"Y-yes sir!" Alphys chirped, cringing on how squeaky she sounded when she said that. "I-I was wondering... can you f-find anyone that I could r-r-run some t-tests on?"

"Hmmm..." Asgore pondered. "Well, you're dealing with is unknown territory, and we don't know what could happen if we were to test it on a monster..."

Alphys felt like smacking herself. Of course she couldn't test it on living monsters, that could be harmful! She had to start thinking like a scientist more often.

"But," he looked around his throne room before shuffling towards a patch of flowers. "I do believe I have someone who could be of service."

Asgore plucked a flower, one brighter and more golden than the rest, and handed it to her. "Will this do?"

"Yes!" Alphys said, happily taking the flower. "I-I mean - thank you v-very much, sir."

"The pleasure is all mine," Asgore smiled.


Things were starting to look up for Alphys.

After injecting determination into the golden flower, nothing happened to it. If anything, the flower looked even brighter and healthier than before. So Alphys sent the flower back to Asgore, who planted it with the rest of his flowers. Every so often, Alphys would go back and check up on the prospering flower's condition.

She also received approval from the king to start conducting experiments with determination on monsters. A few monsters who grew very ill, and their families turned to Asgore for help. Confident in her findings, Asgore proclaimed they would be placed under Alphys' care until they were ready to be sent back home.

This was what Alphys was looking forward to. She was finally able to use her intelligence and the resources around her to help other monsters. She could make the dreams whispered among her people true. She could give monsters hope.

That was the best thing Alphys could ask for.


Things were going wrong.

The first few days after the ill monsters were given determination, they were fine. In fact, Alphys determined that after a week, they could be sent back to their families. They were in high spirits after that.

Until they began to change.

The changes were subtle at first - the monsters looked a bit gooey, but Alphys figured that was probably sweat, or the texture of their newly-healed skin. But one day, when Alphys went down to her lab, she saw a horror scene.

The monsters had melted and morphed into beings no longer themselves. Many had fused together. When they spoke, it was indefinable. They all looked to Alphys, hoping she could cure them.

Instead, she locked them up, frantically updating her lab entries. She was scared. This was her own undoing. This was her fault.

Maybe she could find a way to fix this. If the determination inside them was causing the fusions to happen, maybe she could remove it, and that would fix them back to normal. She was a scientist, the royal scientist. She couldn't just give up. Asgore was counting on her, everyone was counting on her.

A chill went down her spine. The flower! What if something went wrong with it? Would the king be okay?

Alphys rushed to the throne room, thankful when she didn't find Asgore there. But when she looked around, all the flowers looked the same. None of them stood out to her.

The golden flower was gone.

A/N - Thanks for reading! This one was longer than the first one, and I hoped you liked it :D

Have a good day/night! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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