[37] trials and tribulations

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐
chapter thirty-seven!
└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

( echo house )

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( echo house )


VERA BLINKS AS the doctor clicks her small flashlight off, causing small blobs of color to dance around in her vision. She closes her eyes hard before opening them again in an attempt to ward off the auras as her mother places a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Pupils are reacting to light normally," Dr. Wronski informs them as she jots a note down onto her clipboard. "That's good— it means your brain is sending the right signals to your eyes."

"So it's not bad?" Mai questions, apprehension and hopefulness at war in her tone.

The doctor looks up at her and gives her a small, supportive smile. "No, Mrs. Pérez. It's safe to say that Vera does have a concussion, but I have no reason to believe that there is any bleeding in the brain."

Vera puffs out a sigh of relief through the throbbing in her skull. The first sign that something was wrong was when she couldn't tell Deaton what had happened. She remembers flashes and blurry images— the metallic shing! of a sword, a voice coming out of Stiles but that definitely didn't belong to him, and her head hurting really, really badly. Then Deaton had called her mom, and she wound up in the emergency room at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital.

Dr. Wronski walks to where her laptop is perched on the examination room's countertop and begins typing furiously. Her face has a no-nonsense expression that most doctors have, but she still holds an air of warmth that Vera appreciates. It reminds her of Scott's mother.

"I'm prescribing you pain medication," the doctor informs them. "Take it easy and stay home from school for a few days. Mom, you should wake her up every so often to ensure she's waking properly. Do you play any sports?"

"It's cross country season, and then I have lacrosse in the spring," Vera says.

"Well, you'll probably be out of running for the rest of the season. We don't want to risk any more damage to the head."

If Coach Finstock hadn't just been shot with an arrow that put him out of coaching for a while, he may have physically materialized in the room and shouted at Dr. Wronski about how Vera can't miss practices and meets. Though she does feel a bit disappointed that she'll miss out, she does like the idea of having one less stressor in her life.

Dr. Wronski gives them another reassuring look as she closes her laptop. "Your prescription should be ready in an hour. I'll have a nurse come and bring you an ice pack in the meantime, okay? Make sure you check in with your primary care physician so they know you're healing correctly. And drive safe in that storm— I've heard it's bad outside."

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